Ok so I have no codeing experience... none. my buddy left for college and I am without a coder for my project. Parameters are as follows.
When I turn him on I want him to do a systems check of sorts I've added a photo of the commands I need him to fill. The robot needs to stay within 5ft of the beacon I'm trying to use the a Bluetooth within the bot an my cellphone as the beacon. Within the 5ft I want him to be autonomously roaming around. Using 2 Arduino Megas, 5 distance sensors, An 4 motors. Outside the 5ft I want him to navigate back to it.
The head will consist of the Arduino Mega A. Two sharp analog infrared distance sensors in the front angled to be to meet the sensors angle of vision. Dubbing the angle size. (Wider non overlapping angle) and 1 sharp analog ir distance sensor in the back to see behind it. The other two sensors are 650 nm laser distance sensors one will be angled down in front over edge of the bot the other angled the same down the back back checking for a 1" raise or drop in the floor. There will be another Bluetooth unit relaying directions to the body. (They are separate)
The boddy will receive the signal via Bluetooth an relay it the the Arduino Mega B. To the Arduino Motor Shield. Witch in turn transmits it to the 2 DC3 - 6V 1:48 Motor Gearbox kit W/65mm Rubber Wheels. To move the body forward backward an turn left an right. An the two Stepper motors. One 5V 4 phase 5.625° per step but I wanna half step it for head rotation. The body needs to stay in sequence with the head while moving. While still the head has free motion, before moving again body needs to orient to the head before moving again.
The other stepper motor is same type but not halfstepped. Only need 3 positions head straight up, head looking down, and Head tilted back.
Both head motors are in the body an the head/lazers are connected with magnets. I also need him to play audio files using the Arduino 120801 Micro SD Card Reading and Writing Board. An a 4.5in 10w 8ohm full range pincushion speaker at the right time.
I know I'm asking a lot and I don't like doing it... but my buddy hasn't the time to help me. I'd try an splice it together but I'd rather have some help that has some experience. If ud ACTUALLY like to help instead of bashing my ideas or criticizing my experience. Feel free. I've added all the photos I can