Looking for someone to write some complicated code...

Hello everyone!

I have an ambitious project I have been working on for quite some time now. I started back around December, however I could not get very far with the code. What I am looking for is someone to write two Arduino sketches for me. My project is a ServoCity robot that will be controlled with a Syren motor controller, and Xbox Controller, and a pair of XBees. I want to use the Xbox controller to control the robot, however I would like there to be a "ground station" that passes on the Xbox signals over an XBee serial link to get increased range. I need code for the ground station that will use a Sparkfun USB Host Shield to read the control inputs from the Xbox Controller from the Xbox Wireless Receiver. Then, taking that data and sending it through a pair of XBees to the robot. I also need the ground station to monitor the battery voltage using a LiPo Fuel Gauge (Sparkfun) and display the status on an RGB LED. For the robot, I need the Arduino to read the data from the XBee and have that control the motors through the Syren with a tank-style drive system. I also need the Arduino to control a Pan and Tilt system using a pair of servos (ServoCity) and control a strip of WS2812s. Please ask any questions you have down below and PM me if you are interested.


Hi King Vanilla,

What is your timeline and how much of the code have you gotten to work?

I created a similar XBee controller and remote hexapod robot a year ago.

See my PM for details.
