looking for SpiRam_Extended testers!

Hi everyone,

I have recently been adding some extended functionality to the SpiRam library (Arduino Playground - SpiRAM). The extended version I have worked out now has built in functions to send and receive integers, longs and floats, as well the arrays of all the above.

I have currently tested it on an arduino Uno and a Teensy 3.1 with a 23LC1024 chip but would just like someone else to give it a go and check that it works for them / is easy to use.

Should work with all of the range of chips (23K256 etc) still just like the old SpiRam library.

Here is the link to the github repo GitHub - dmason1992/SpiRam_Extended: An extended version of the SpiRam library (includes functions for reading and writing variety of variable types)

Much appreciated,

Hi Dave,

I am using your SPI_Extended library and need to use the run_stream function. As you explained I need to read large stream from RAM and cannot use buffer. Can you please explain to me how to use this function? How do I use the readed data from specific address and specific length?
