Looking for the right arduino for this job!

Hi Everyone, I am somewhat of a beginner to Arduino and I am really hoping someone can help me out with this.

Ok here is my scenario, any help would be greatly appreciated!!

I am laying on the floor in my room. I know the height of the ceiling in my room is exactly nine feet tall.

I would like to embed some type of sensor (most likely an Arduino or maybe Bluetooth) into a rubber ball, the size of the rubber ball is similar to a softball or baseball.

As I toss the rubber ball into the air with the embedded sensor I would like to know the max elevation of the ball each time I throw it?

I only need to know the maximum elevation of each toss.

I know my maximum and minimum elevation within my room and I need the right Arduino(or other type of sensor) to measure the peak elevation of each throw of the ball which is moving basically straight up and down.

Let me know if I need to clarify anything, hopefully everything makes sense.

Thanks for the help!!!

Even if this were possible, why do you want to build such a project ?

This question has come up several times on the forum. Not feasible.