Looking for video hardware.

I am loking for both a video frame grabber an parellel addressable memory which i can use with an arduino due or possibly tre when it arrives..

Any ideas please ?
Frame grabbers are available for pc at reasonable prices but i want to avoid embedded pc solutions.

Would prefer memory to be acessed at either 16 or 32 bit data chunks.although the video data will be in 8 bit format.

Its for an image processing application.

I have a feeling i may have to rol my own but might as well ask.

What is the interface between frame grabber and your due/tre?

I found a solution using FPGA and I don't know if you have interest in that, the solution itself contain a 256Mb SDRAM (16 bits datachunk). However, it is in Taobao, so I think it may not be convenient for you.


AL422 ?


I have found this now which looks promising if i can work out how to drive it .
