Anyone know of a source of voltage controlled main dimmers?
Eg 0 to 5v in, main power control/dimmer output.
I have looked and looked on aliexpress/ebay etc and can't find anything, they must exist but I can't find one
Many thanks imk
Anyone know of a source of voltage controlled main dimmers?
Eg 0 to 5v in, main power control/dimmer output.
I have looked and looked on aliexpress/ebay etc and can't find anything, they must exist but I can't find one
Many thanks imk
0-10V Dimming is an "industrial standard". But since it requires "special wiring", normally done by an electrician, it's probably not something you'll find at a home improvement store.
There are lots of constant-current LED power supplies controllable by 0-10V or 10V PWM.
Normally you need a 10V supply and a transistor or MOSFET to step-up the Arduino's 5V PWM but sometimes the 10V is built-into the power supply so you just need a transistor or MOSFET (and a couple of resistors) or you can use a pot for manual control. If you have 0-5VDC (not PWM) then you need a linear amplifier (which you can make with an op-amp) and again you need a 10V source.
You can make a regular phase-control dimmer with an Arduino (which doesn't need 10V or PWM), but the zero crossing detection AND the AC power control MUST be electrically isolated (usually optical isolation). You can find dimming modules with isolation already on-board.
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