Looking to pay for working setup involving ESP8266/32 and Arduino Leonardo


  1. Grab data from hosted webserver, with ESP.
  2. Send over serial to Leonardo.
  3. Print serial data to serial monitor on Leonardo.

Why not print directly from the ESP?

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Leonardo is needed to move mouse. Dm for more info.

Why the ESP then?

For the wifi maybe?

Why not use a ESP with native USB? You could use it to control them mouse that way.

No serial communication between Host and Esp allowed

Esp + Leonardo is a requirement. I use a host shield on top of the Leonardo.

Could you tell us more about the shield?

So how do you want to communicate?

POST requests to esp or url query parameters

9 person days for clarifying the requirements, contracting, invoicing. Estimation based on the current #12 posts.
1 person day for programming and testing.

if you agree, I'm looking forward to work with you. --> DM

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something like this? it is a sketch for the Leonardo

Is this a riddling thread?

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