Loop Back Test Failed. TX and RX not lighting up.

Hello all,

Yesterday I accidentally grounded +12V and -12V on my arduino Uno. My computer turned off (I took the battery out and back in and it came back on). The Uno, of course, turned off but came back on when I plugged it back in, so I figured it was fine. I didn't try to upload any new code yesterday. Today I try to upload a new sketch, and I'm getting the typical "avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 10 of 10: not in sync: resp=0xc9". I've done the loop back test with my faulty Uno and my perfect Mega. The Mega passes the test, the Uno does not. I have noticed that my RX and TX LEDs don't light up at all. the L LED lights up and stays up. It'll blink when when I pressed the reset button.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Edit: I am also hoping for a way to fix it. I realize it is broken in some way.


you just smoked up your brand new stash