Hi, I use e32-ttl-100 RF module, want to use it to control a small rover. It is very high speed (more than 100 sentences a second!), BUT there is a delay of about half a second between giving a command and seeing it on the receiver side, it looks unreal for something that is capable of such a high speed, and yes I have tried to reduce speed al the way down to only 10 sentences/s but same response delay. But when I try only one integer, it responds instantly! (Sentences are Strings, could that be a problem?)
If that is a normal thing with this module, Is there any serial (if possible UART) module dedicated for radio controlled vehicles?
I am desperate for a decent serial radio module that is easy to use and acts pretty much as normal serial, please recommend something if you know, also NO 2.4 GHz modules, I already have WiFi for video.
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Remember, by LAW, you must share those frequencies with several hundred other devices in your neighborhood. That is done by limiting the frequency of transmission.
As has already been suggested, 434Mhz, 868Mhz or 915Mhz devices are a poor choice for RC control as there are normally significant legal duty cycle restrictions, making effective RC control next to impossible.
In addition the UART\Serial front ended modules such as the E32 are in themselves a poor choice due to the timeouts etc used to determine when to actually transmit packets. This add delays which creates throughput issues as you have discovered.
It is making a delay in between characters or small packets instead of making a delay in between transmitting whole messages, is that what is going on?
I figured that if I just "encode" the messages a little bit to make them shorter it works at a reasonable delay. For example I use one letter to represent 4 buttons and I eliminated characters separating the different variables. Now I got only 5 characters instead of like 35.
what are you encoding? if it's only button state and not some values, you could use the bits of just one byte to represent the states of all buttons (if you have less than 8).
But you'll still have to pay the cost for the latency, so I'm not sure optimising heavily the payload will have a significant impact