Lora - wich bandwidth when using LORA SX1278

I will deploy a Lora network on my city to monitor the temperature in the schools.
I will use a ProMini Ardnuino board connected to a SX1278 module.

I would like to avoid receiving Lora messages generated by other groups/association/etc...
And so : I would like to know if I can select other bandwifth, than 433Mhz, like 433.1, or 434Mhz, etc..

Do you know if it is allowed (as in Europe this is 433Mhz that is specified).
Do you know if the SX1278 board works with those bandwidths, that are NOT 433 but closed to ?


433Mhz is the frequency, not a bandwidth.

Within the range of frequencies allocated for a band you can set the frequency in steps of circa 62hz.

The common frequency band for LoRa in Europe is 868Mhz and there are LoRa modules available for that frequency band.

If someone nearby transmits a LoRa packet on the same frequency and LoRa settings that you are using then you will receive the packets. However its entirely possible for you to transmit your packets with a unique ID in them, so when received you can reject them.

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