Lost in a world of coding.

Hi, I'm using an arduino uno to help me with a school project but I'm lost when it come to trying to code the dam thing. What I want to do is basic and I've been trying to get it working for over a week now but I'm still having no luck, so if someone could help I would be so greatful.

Ok so heres the idea or the operation I'm trying to get it to perform;
Push button pressed,
DC motor runs (at a slow speed) for a short amount of time and then stops,
Stepper motor rotates 360 degrees,

Its that simple. I do believe I have all the parts but if I don't I can get them. Basically what I need someone to do is either right the code for me or somehow enable to try and manipulate other pieces of code to forge a new one that would work for me.

If you have read all of this thank you and I hope that you will be able to help.

I've been trying to get it working for over a week now but I'm still having no luck

There is no luck involved in programming. There is skill, perseverance, and logic involved.

After a week, you should have some code to show.

Push button pressed,

The Arduino is supposed to press the switch?

DC motor runs (at a slow speed)

How is the DC motor connected? What does "slow speed" mean?

for a short amount of time

short someTime; // like this?

Stepper motor rotates 360 degrees,

How is the stepper motor connected? How many steps is 360 degrees?

When is our homework due?

After a week, you should have some code to show.

Yes i have got some coding to show for it but it is far from complete and when i said

I'm still having no luck

it was meant as a turn of phrase.

The Arduino is supposed to press the switch?

No a person will press the button

How is the DC motor connected?

how can it be connected apart from with connecting wires to a breadboard then to the ardunio?

How many steps is 360 degrees?

I don't know but if you tell me how I will find out.

When is our homework due?

I want to have the electronics side of if completed as soon as possible. This is for my A-Level Product Design.

If it doesn't say on the motor the datasheet should tell you mow many steps.

its a 28BYJ-48 – 5V (Model)

Speed Variation Ratio 1/64
Stride Angle 5.625° /64

Search google:

"arduino button"
"arduino DC motor" (because no you don't connect a motor directly to the arduino)

Look the Blink without delay example, that will show you how to do timed actions.

its a 28BYJ-48 – 5V (Model)

Speed Variation Ratio 1/64
Stride Angle 5.625° /64

So 64 steps per revolution. I assume you have a driver for it?

To guix;
thank you for the two useful pages and yes I did know that you can just connect a motor straight to the arduino but that side of the electronics (the true side as it were) is another part that I struggle with.

To Stu1987;
yes I do have the driver

thank you for the two useful pages and yes I did know that you can just connect a motor straight to the arduino but that side of the electronics (the true side as it were) is another part that I struggle with.

there should be a can't not a can.

What parts of the problem have you been able to solve so far, and where are you stuck?

(Do you have an Arduino? Have you been able to upload a sketch to it? Have you been able to write your own code and upload it? Have you been able to detect when a button has been pressed? etc ...)

To guix;
thank you for the two useful pages and yes I did know that you can just connect a motor straight to the arduino but that side of the electronics (the true side as it were) is another part that I struggle with.

To Stu1987;
yes I do have the driver

If you post your code, the type of driver, and how everything is wired it would be easier to help you. The program itself will be very small and easy from the sound of it. A digital input for your button, an output to drive the motor and an output to pulse the stepper motor(possibly one for enable and one for direction depending on your driver)