I have an Arduino project to control a few pumps that is running off battery power, and thanks to a lot of info on these forums I've been able to reduce the draw of my board considerably.
So now, when my board is not actively running it uses very little power. But I use a simple normally-closed relay to control my pumps, and these things use a fair amount power when in use. The pumps themselves are run off of a separate 6.5 volt battery source, so I'm not dealing with high voltage AC power.
I was hoping to get some suggestions on a low current draw alternative to my relay. Are there low power relays available? Or some other way to turn a pump off/ on other than a relay that would use less power?
Current Consumption Example:
Pump is switched on/off once per minute.
50ms pulse to set or reset the relay (28.1mA coil current).
Equivalent continuous coil current = (0.05/60)*28.1 = 23µA.
If pump is switched on/off once per hour ==> 0.38µA.
If pump is switched on/off once per day ==> 0.016µA.
A latching relay has memory ... contact state is unaffected by sleep mode or power on/off.
and thanks to a lot of info on these forums I've been able to reduce the draw of my board considerably.
So now, when my board is not actively running it uses very little power.