Hello, I need advice from knowledgeable people, where we can do programming error in Arduino.
This is a very simple script, it was only a classic blink LEDs.
I used this code
Script works but ordinary LED to 1.5V barely barely lights, almost invisible, or it would illuminate.
Multimeter does not even half a volt on the oscilloscope and I subtracted 0.40 mA what is very little. I had borrowed an oscilloscope so that further attempts will not be able to do on it.
Somewhere I know Mary from arduino to make a nice pulse signal because of slow accretion peak impulse. I Pogooglil bit and I met with expressions Port Manipulation. I'm not quite clear how exactly it works, but from what I understand no port manipulation pusta flow into each port and the tip is should, therefore it is necessary I / O, and then the tip of the pulse is pretty straight and let the millisecond dokaze 3V or 5V digital port. Therefore, I tried this script:
But the result is exactly the same: - / LED lights completely slabulinko. While when the dam digitalWrite (6, HIGH); As beautiful as Ziar need. Could anyone solve this?
How long is the LED stay on during each time through loop() ?
How long is the LED stay off during each time through loop() ?
What is the ratio of off to on ?
Me everything works perfectly, but the LED does not have enough power to full power. The same is true for the 904nm pulse laser diode.
For ease I chose only part of the script
I have a feeling it does not have enough time between pulses to be given to the tip current. I drew a picture about how it works in my opinion
and the second picture I downloaded as I think it's supposed to look when it is the correct pulse
Then that is your problem.
The arduino pin should only be asked to supply 20mA. When it reaches 40mA you start to damage the arduino.
With nothing to control the current the voltage from the pin drops.
You need to power it correctly with a transistor at least.
Here, the value of only about 0.40 mA I read from the oscilloscope, not a precise hdnota, I just like to suggest that it is a very diminutive value excluding volts.
I suppose if you would like to join this tiny amount of resistance, I would not even reach the minimum value here as there pulsates while. What relates to damage to taks this code
LED lights on the same port heavily, so I thought that if the pulses reach with enough volts (at least 1.5V) will be either strongly LED flashes or lights.
This is me just so that I reached the digital pin 6 a minimum of 1.2 volt.
I have followed the above sites and digital pin 6, I do not get even 1 volt. This is insufficient for me.
Try to connect Arduino and pin 6 LED insert and use this code