Low-Power by rocketscream does not work

Hello everyone.

I was trying rocketscream's Low-Power library with an arduino nano ("old bootloader") and ide 2.1.0, specifically the powerDownWakeExternalInterrupt example but... I can't get it to work!

Could someone bring back a working example using an external interrupt?


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Per your demandrequest I closed the thread in the Italian section and kept this one.

I’m not aware why the ide would mess up with the library, that seems a low probability. Just to be sure, have you tried with the latest 1.8 version ?

please read How to get the best out of this forum and post the code you are using and the exact wiring / hardware you have

The "old bootloader" is not compatible with the watchdog timer.
Try to load the optiboot bootloader thereby converting your Nano to a Uno as fas as the IDE is concerned. See: WatchDog on Arduino Nano - does not recover - Arduino Stack Exchange

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Just a subtlety of the English language.
Demand in English comes across much more strongly that demander in French. Request would fit better here.


I had begun to suspect the bootloader but could not find any documentation on it about compatibility.

I will replace the bootloader and keep you updated.

Thank you

thanks - fixed