I’m driving this mosfet with a digital pin. 0-5V in pwm. Load around 1A.
The odd the mosfet overheats within 30sec and starts to throttle its output. It has a rather low RDS on of 65miliohm and should drain easy 4A.
There is a pulldown on the gate of 100k and even tried lowering to 10k.
But issue remains
Am I forgetting/overlooking something?
Always show us a good schematic of your proposed circuit.
Show us good images of your ‘actual’ wiring.
Give links to components.
In the Arduino IDE, use CtrlT or CMDT to format your code then copy the complete sketch.
Use the < CODE / > icon from the ‘posting menu’ to attach the copied sketch.
Write a small sketch to slowly toggle the MOSFET.
Measure the ON and OFF V(ds) voltage, what are these ?
Confirm the HIGH and LOW controller pin output voltages too.
Is the MOSFET source connected to Arduino GND? Sometimes people erroneously make the MOSFET circuit effectively float with respect to the Arduino. Vgs that the MOSFET sees must reference to Arduino GND.
Sorry but your data sheet post is fuzzy and not really readable. The most important part is missing. I have to assume at this point it is not wired properly, show a schematic showing exactly how you have wired it. Post links to each hardware item that gives technical details. Also measure the Vgs when it is on and let us know what you get. I know this is a lot of information but if you want a valid answer???
Can you please post a copy of your circuit, a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?
Hand drawn and photographed is perfectly acceptable.
Please include ALL hardware, power supplies, component names and pin labels.
If you don't understand what a schematic is, please Google to find out. It is not the same thing as a wiring diagram. Hand-drawn is OK. Some bright, sharp photos of the circuit may also be useful.
The thing I see is many of the users do not want to draw schematics yet a large portion of there problems are in the connections, power etc. It appears they spend about a week or so with lots of questions and then maybe, give up, and some get lucky. It is amazing how many problems you find when doing a real labeled schematic including Technical links. That schematic makes them look like a pro. It appears to me that most of the time when a proper schematic is posted the solution is usually within day or so. Good schematic capture software can be gotten for the downloading. Months later a wire comes off, looking at the schematic and putting it back saves lots of headaches.
KiCad: There are many out there and you will find just like color different people like different colors, some blue, red, ..etc. CAD (Computer Aided Design) programs are like that. You will need to learn a schematic capture program that will work for you.
Build a lab setup of just the MOSFET and the switched device; use a lab power supply to power the device. Use a signal generator or lab power supply for the gate drive signal and verify correct operation. Then start dressing up the system from there, ultimately move to a PCB once you've gotten everything to work in a lab environment.
Alternatively, provide a full schematic of the circuit and a clear description of the operating environment / context, including a clear description/specification of the load, how it's powered, what else is possibly connected to it etc.
Presently there's so much that could be going on, but all we can do is offer wild guesses, which isn't a very efficient way of troubleshooting. So either isolate and reduce number of parameters, or provide more complete information.
You have just posted a larger version of that unreadable partial schematic.
There are four resistors shown in your "schematic", only one is clearly labeled with it's identity and value.
You haven't shown the Arduino. (I'm assuming an Arduino is involved, just because you have posted on the Arduino forum - you haven't told us which one it is.)
You haven't shown your mystery load.
Is there anything in your code that you haven't shown us that could be relevant?
For instance, have you changed the PWM frequency to 20kHz?