Low rf link performance

I'm using this Ed kit from seeedstudios


I have my controls down for controlling my RC car simple forward backward and turning. But there seems to be a rather long delay sometime up to 2 seconds if not more. Both are being powered from the arduinos by 5 v it says they can go up to 9 idk if that would increase performance or not. Plz help

You should buy something else. Can you just forget about these ?

They are the slowest RF modules that money can buy. The transmitter output power is probably illegal almost every country. I doubt if the range is 2km. Did you test the range ? Is it more than 100 meters ?
The only good thing is that the receiver has a crystal to tune the frequency.

The transmitter output power depends on the voltage. So yes, using 9V for the transmitter will increase the range, but it will probaby not reduce the delay.

You cant do anything about the delay.
Its caused by the sync time of the decoder chip.
These types of devices are primarily for very simple turn on / turn off type applications where a short time delay
doesnt matter.

That's what I was afraid of. I knew the price and range was to good to be true. I was looking for something with a long range for a fpv remote control car with between 1-2 miles any suggestions?