So, I have six lighting fixtures with 3 LPD8806 based LED strips each attached to them.
Because of physical limitations of the fixtures, they are connected in parellel, and I can't chain the strips. Each strip has 20 LEDs on it. They aren't the adafruit LEDs, but a roll I ordered from alibaba.
I'm running everything off of an arduino mega, and don't have any additional circuitry, just basically direct connect from arduino to appropriate LED.
Currently, I'm getting just a string of gibberish LEDs. Really hoping to get a sanity check, as I get demos working previously, and I don't understand what's going wrong now The installation is going up in two days, kinda panicked. Thanks in advance!
To explain the code a bit:
It sets up all the different strips, and runs a test (currently not working).
The strips should be constrained to a particular colour set based off the the individual power values from the Light struct, so between 0-127 red and 0-60 yellow, creating a range from deep red to orange (it's for a fire light)
But ya, currently nothing is happening.
#include "LPD8806.h"
#include "SPI.h"
// Constants
const int NUMLIGHTS = 6; // Number of lights per arm
const int NUMARMS = 3; // Number of arms per light
const int LEDPERARM = 20; // Number of lights
const int testPin = 53;
int dataPins[NUMLIGHTS*NUMARMS] = {
22,24,26, // Light 0
28,30,32, // Light 1
34,36,38, // Light 2
40,42,44, // Light 3
46,48,50, // Light 4
4,6,8 // Light 5
/* 2,
12 */
int clockPins[NUMLIGHTS*NUMARMS] = {
23,25,27, // Light 0
29,31,33, // Light 1
35,37,39, // Light 2
41,43,45, // Light 3
47,49,51, // Light 4
5,7,9 // Light 5
/* 3,
13 */
// Light struct
typedef struct {
int id; // The id must match that of the OF program
int pwr; // 0-127 val, derived from OF float val
LPD8806 strip[NUMARMS]; // The three strips
} Light;
Light Lights[NUMLIGHTS]; // Declare lights array
// Serial communication
String inString = "";
int inChar;
int curLight = 0;
//int curArm = 0;
int curPwr = 0;
void setup() {
// Setup all lights and arms
for(int i=0;i<NUMLIGHTS;i++) {
// Set up the Lights with the appropriate objects
Lights[i].id = i;
for(int a=0;a<NUMARMS;a++) {
Lights[i].strip[a] = LPD8806(LEDPERARM, dataPins[i+a], clockPins[i+a]);
// Start serial communication
digitalWrite(testPin, HIGH);
void testStrip(LPD8806 * strip) {
int i;
for(i=0; i<strip->numPixels(); i++) {
strip->setPixelColor(i, 0);
// Then display one pixel at a time:
for(i=0; i<strip->numPixels(); i++) {
strip->setPixelColor(i, getColor(127) ); // Set new pixel 'on'
strip->show(); // Refresh LED states
strip->setPixelColor(i, 0); // Erase pixel, but don't refresh!
strip->show(); // Refresh to turn off last pixel
void clearStrip(LPD8806 * strip) {
int i;
for (i=0; i < strip->numPixels(); i++) {
strip->setPixelColor(i, getColor(0));
void loop() {
if(Serial.available() == 0) {
digitalWrite(testPin, LOW);
for(int i=0;i<NUMLIGHTS;i++) {
digitalWrite(testPin, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(testPin, HIGH);
for(int i=0;i<NUMLIGHTS;i++) {
digitalWrite(testPin, LOW);
void render(uint32_t lightId) {
int maxPower, minPower, ptr, ledStr, pwr;
for(int a=0;a<NUMARMS;a++) {
for(int i=0;i<LEDPERARM;i++) {
maxPower = i / LEDPERARM;
minPower = 127 - (maxPower * (127-Lights[lightId].pwr));
// ptr = i + ( a * LEDPERARM );
pwr = (byte)Lights[lightId].pwr;
delay(10); // holders for 10ms
// Derived from the LPD8806 lib
uint32_t getColor(byte pwr) {
byte r,g,b;
r = (byte)(1 + (.5 * pwr));
g = (byte)(.5 * pwr);
b = (byte)0;
return ((uint32_t)(g | 0x80) << 16) |
((uint32_t)(r | 0x80) << 8) |
b | 0x80 ;
void parseSerial() {
// Read serial input:
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
inChar = Serial.read();
// Collecting the datas.
if (isDigit(inChar)) {
inString += (char)inChar;
// Iterating through the lights
if (inChar == ',') {
Lights[curLight].pwr = inString.toInt();
inString = "";
// Last light
if (inChar == '\n') {
Lights[NUMLIGHTS-1].pwr = inString.toInt();
inString = "";
curLight = 0;