I have a LSM6DS3 onboard a Nano IoT that I had setup in simulink to read Gyro and Accelerometer data using "I2C Master Read" through slave 0x6A and registers 0x22 and 0x28. This was working fine until I tried to modify the IMU's settings.
According to the datasheet, address 0x10 stores a default value of 00000000 and contains a set of bits that determines the maximum G force it can sense. By default, 00 returns a 4G max. I wanted to set this to 16, which the data sheet indicates 01. So the result for that register should be 00000100? https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/lsm6ds3.pdf page 53 and 54
I used a triggered subsystem to write this value once at the start, but I made a stupid mistake and write to slave register 10 instead of 0x10. Since then, neither the gyro or acceleometer has returned any value and I have no idea how to reset it. Is there any way to undo whatever happened as a result of this?