LSM6DS3 write to address mistake. Is there a way to undo this?

I have a LSM6DS3 onboard a Nano IoT that I had setup in simulink to read Gyro and Accelerometer data using "I2C Master Read" through slave 0x6A and registers 0x22 and 0x28. This was working fine until I tried to modify the IMU's settings.

According to the datasheet, address 0x10 stores a default value of 00000000 and contains a set of bits that determines the maximum G force it can sense. By default, 00 returns a 4G max. I wanted to set this to 16, which the data sheet indicates 01. So the result for that register should be 00000100? page 53 and 54

I used a triggered subsystem to write this value once at the start, but I made a stupid mistake and write to slave register 10 instead of 0x10. Since then, neither the gyro or acceleometer has returned any value and I have no idea how to reset it. Is there any way to undo whatever happened as a result of this?

According to the LSM6DS3 data sheet, register 10 (0x0A) is FIFO_CTRL5 and defaults to zero upon power up.

There should be no lasting effect if you wrote some other value, as long as you power down then up again. Most likely there is some other error in your code, so start all over with known example code.

I actually wrote zeros to it initially, so I'm not sure what exactly happened here. Powering it on and off didn't wake it up.

Luckily, I loaded a generic IMU test script in Arduino and that seems to have woken everything back up again, and I was able to successfully write desired settings to 0x10 successfully.