I need change lwIP to value 1.4. I dont see any option, how to set up web arduino editor. Should I create platformio.ini file or what should I do?
Please help,
with best regards, jiri
I need change lwIP to value 1.4. I dont see any option, how to set up web arduino editor. Should I create platformio.ini file or what should I do?
Please help,
with best regards, jiri
After selecting an ESP8266 board from the "Boards" menu, you will see a "Flavours" menu. Unlike the Arduino IDE, the "Flavours" menu only shows the currently selected custom menu options, rather than the menu names. If you click on the "flavour" that says "v2 Lower Memory", you will see the options you would find under the Tools > LwIP Variant menu in the Arduino IDE. There are "v1.4 Higher Bandwidth" and a "v1.5 Compile from source" options under that "flavour" menu.
Should I create platformio.ini file or what should I do?
Arduino Web Editor doesn't use PlatformIO so any platformio.ini or library.json files are ignored.