M4 Express SAMD51 - Using TCC1 timer on multiple pins

I am trying to set up PWM output on a AdaFruit Feather SAMD51 M4 Express board. I use the TCC1 timer peripheral for port PA19 and PA20 on normal PWM mode. PA19 uses TCC1/WO[3] and PA20 TCC1/WO[4] according to Table 6.1 in the SAMD51 manual.

It works fine for the PA19 (pin D9) but PA20 (pin D10) is just kept low. I cannot figure out why.

// Set-up timer TCC1 in Normal PWM mode for PA19 and PA20.
const uint16_t PERIOD = 0x3FFF; // 14 bits resolution

void setup() {
  // Set up the generic clock (GCLK6) used to clock timers
  GCLK->GENCTRL[6].reg = GCLK_GENCTRL_DIV(1) |       // Divide the 120MHz clock source by 1.
                         GCLK_GENCTRL_IDC |          // Set the duty cycle to 50/50 HIGH/LOW
                         GCLK_GENCTRL_GENEN |        // Enable GCLK6
                         GCLK_GENCTRL_SRC_DPLL0;     // Generate from 120MHz DPLL clock source
  while (GCLK->SYNCBUSY.bit.GENCTRL6);               // Wait for synchronization 

                        GCLK_PCHCTRL_CHEN |        // Enable perhipheral channel
                        GCLK_PCHCTRL_GEN_GCLK6;    // Connect generic clock 6 to TCC1, PCHCTRL[25]

  // Enable the peripheral multiplexer on PA19
  PORT->Group[0].PINCFG[19].bit.PMUXEN = 1;
  PORT->Group[0].PINCFG[20].bit.PMUXEN = 1;
  // Set PA19, PA20 the peripheral multiplexer to peripheral F(5): TCC1, Channel 3 and 4.
  PORT->Group[0].PMUX[9].reg  |= PORT_PMUX_PMUXO(5);
  PORT->Group[0].PMUX[10].reg |= PORT_PMUX_PMUXE(5);
  TCC1->CTRLA.reg = TCC_CTRLA_PRESCALER_DIV1 |    // Set prescaler to 1
                    TCC_CTRLA_PRESCSYNC_PRESC;    // Set the reset/reload to trigger on prescaler clock
  TCC1->WAVE.reg = TCC_WAVE_WAVEGEN_NPWM;         // Set-up timer for Normal PWM mode (NPWM)
  TCC1->PER.reg = PERIOD;                         // Set period
  TCC1->CC[3].reg = 9999;                         // Set the duty cycle
  TCC1->CC[4].reg = 9999;                         // Set the duty cycle

  TCC1->CTRLA.bit.ENABLE = 1;                     // Enable timer TCC1
  while (TCC1->SYNCBUSY.bit.ENABLE);              // Wait for synchronization

void loop() {
  // Update duty-cycles
  // PA19 (D9) - works
  TCC1->CC[3].reg = (TCC1->CC[3].reg + 4) % (PERIOD+1);
  // PA20 (D10) - does not work
  TCC1->CC[4].reg = (TCC1->CC[4].reg + 4) % (PERIOD+1);

All advices appreciated!

After trial and error, I now got PWM also on PA20 (pin 10). I needed to counter compare register 0 instead of 4. But I do not understand why..

These changes were need;

// Was  TCC1->CC[4].reg = 9999;
TCC1->CC[0].reg = 9999; 

// Was TCC1->CC[4].reg = (TCC1->CC[4].reg + 4) % (PERIOD+1);
TCC1->CC[0].reg = (TCC1->CC[0].reg + 4) % (PERIOD+1); 

SAMD manual Table 6-1. "Multiplexed Peripheral Signals" states for PA20 that TCC1/WO[4] is used for peripheral F(5). So I though the count compare register would need to be CC[4] as well. But obviously not. How can I know what CC-register to use for the single slope PWM mode then?

Are not some of the WOx outputs actually alternate polarities of lower CC register match decision? Eg tcc1 has 8 outputs but only 4 CC registers, and WO4 is a shadow of CC0…

The TCC wave registry does have bits to set polarity on WO 0 to 5 (as I interpret it). I guess each of these POL 0 to 5 corresponds to a WO 0 to 5.

You may be right that WO[4] somehow shadows CC[0]. But where is that stated in the manual I wonder? Can't find it mentioned anywhere. Or, more likely, I don't realize it is mentioned somewhere...

B.t.w. below is from Table 6.1 Multiplexed Peripheral Signals. This is what bugs me. TCC1 for PA20 should use WO[4]. So the I expected CC[4] to be used.

It's not quite like I thought it was, but TCC1 only has 4 CC registers, so there is no CC[4]

I think I may have gotten the "shadowing" idea from a different chip, "assuming" that "TCCs" would be identical (but apparently they're not even the same as each other within the same chip. Sigh.) But see section on the "waveform extension."

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