mac does not recognize the arduino uno

good afternoon everyone,

I'm Brazilian, so sorry for my English.

I have an arduino Uno and I have a Mac with High Sierra 10.13.5, it does not recognize the arduino, I already tried to install several Drivers for the serial port and even then I can not. Anyone who has gone through this could help me?

Thank you.

Is it a clone with a CH340G serial adapter?

Look at the black chip near the USB connector (if you can't read it, try taking a picture of it with your phone - many people find it easier to see in photo than in person), and read markings on top.

Atmega 16u2 - official board or faithful clone -> uses official driver.
CH340G - CH340G serial adapter; there was a problem with the drivers for High Sierra when that version of MacOS first came out, but it is now fixed. Google and make sure you get the right version of the driver.
CP2102 - CP2102 serial adapter - google "CP2102 drivers" and your OS version and you should find what driver (if any) is needed.