I'm brand new to Arduino. I've done all the reading I can do to get up to speed. I just got my new Arduino Uno R3 in the mail with USB cable.
I've installed IDE 1.6.5 r3 (20/07/2015 release) on my Mac. When connected the green 'On' light and the orange 'L' light are illuminated on the board.
Under tools, I've selected 'Arduino Uno' as the board and under port I've selected '/dev/cu.usbmodem641 (Arduino Uno)'. The programmer selected by default is 'AVRISP mkII'
When I try uploading a sketch to the board I get the following error message:
'avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding'
I don't understand how to do the loopback test found on the website. So I'm kinda stuck. I can't do anything until I resolve this.
Can anyone help? I apologize if this was covered elsewhere but I didn't find a solution that works for me anywhere on the web or the Arduino forum.
What part of the loop back test are you having trouble with?
What is a terminal application/serial monitor and how do I connect it to the serial port of the Arduino?
Please excuse my ignorance... learning
After you connect the Arduino with the USB cable, go into the Arduino program and in the Tools, Port menu select the UNO port. Earlier you mentioned selecting '/dev/cu.usbmodem641 (Arduino Uno)' and it will probably be the same port each time you connect the cable if you are plugging into the same USB port.
In the upper right corner of the Arduino program there is a tool icon which looks like a magnifying glass and when you mouse over it you see it is Serial Monitor. Click that. It should open the Serial Monitor where you can type some characters. If the RX pin of the Arduino is connected to the TX pin of the Arduino, when you type in the top line, and then click Send, the characters you type should be returned to you in the box below the send line. If your Arduino passes this test, it means basic communication between your Arduino and the computer is working.
The loopback test also mentions connecting a wire between the Reset and GND pins. That is important if your Arduino has been previously programmed to do something with the RX and TX lines, and the whole idea of connecting Reset to GND is to stop the processor on the Arduino. You can also just hold down the Reset button on the Arduino to do the same thing. The reset button on most Arduinos is the only button, and it is next to the USB connector.
i have problems connecting arduino uno to my mac. the serial port is not being displayed!!!!