I know, there are already similar posts regarding my problem, but for I'm working with an Apple MacBook Pro with an M1 processor, I opened a new one.
I have initially installed IDE 2.0.3 on my Mac and it worked fine for a couple of weeks with Arduino UNO and ESP8266. Yesterday I wanted to add another board (ESP32 WROOM 32), but during the installation IDE crashed. Probably I have selected a wrong board, for I couldn't find my particular board in the list
Now I cannot start IDE anymore. The starting screen is blinking for ever, I have access to the main menu, but I cannot operate anything. I have deinstalled and installed IDE several times, but without a result.
I try to avoid loading the MacOS new, just to probably solve the problem (or not). For Windows there are several solutions for obviously the same problem where some left over files needed to be erased or something like that. But for MacOS I couldn't find a working solution ...
Can any Mac-User help me with my problem? Thanks for your help in advance.
Hi @bushlover. In order to gather more information that might help us to troubleshoot your problem, I'm going to ask you to run Arduino IDE from the command line, then share the output.
Please do this:
Open your Applications folder in Finder.
Open the Utilities folder.
Double-click on "Terminal".
Type the following command in the Terminal window:
Wait until you are sure the IDE startup has gone into the hang state
(as indicated by no additional output being printed to the Terminal window).
Switch back to the Terminal window if the Arduino IDE window took the focus.
Press ⌘+A.
This will select all the text in the Terminal window.
Press ⌘+C.
This will copy the selected text to the clipboard.
Open a forum reply here by clicking the Reply button.
Click the </> icon on the post composer toolbar.
This will add the forum's code block markup (```) to your reply to make sure the output is correctly formatted.
Press ⌘+V.
This will paste the output into the code block.
Move the cursor outside of the code block markup before you add any additional text to your reply.
Click the Reply button to post the output.
Please let me know if you have any questions or problems while following those instructions.
Last login: Wed Jan 18 07:12:45 on console
thomashugger@MBP-von-Thomas ~ % /Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/MacOS/Arduino IDE
zsh: no such file or directory: /Applications/Arduino
thomashugger@MBP-von-Thomas ~ %
thomashugger@MBP-von-Thomas ~ % "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/MacOS/Arduino IDE"
Arduino IDE 2.0.3
Starting backend process. PID: 2419
Using browser-only version of superagent in non-browser environment
Configuration directory URI: 'file:///Users/thomashugger/.theia'
Configuring to accept webviews on '^.+\.webview\..+$' hostname.
2023-01-18T09:23:31.566Z root INFO Backend Object.initialize: 2.1 ms [Finished 0.353 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.566Z root INFO Backend Object.configure: 1.7 ms [Finished 0.353 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.566Z root INFO Backend MessagingContribution.onStart: 0.8 ms [Finished 0.353 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.566Z root INFO Backend OSBackendApplicationContribution.configure: 0.2 ms [Finished 0.370 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.567Z root INFO Backend DefaultWorkspaceServer.onStart: 0.2 ms [Finished 0.370 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.567Z root INFO Backend PluginLocalizationBackendContribution.configure: 0.1 ms [Finished 0.370 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.567Z root INFO Backend PluginLocalizationBackendContribution.initialize: 16.9 ms [Finished 0.370 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.567Z root INFO Backend TaskBackendApplicationContribution.onStart: 0.1 ms [Finished 0.370 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.568Z root INFO Backend ElectronTokenBackendContribution.configure: 0.5 ms [Finished 0.371 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.568Z root INFO Backend PluginDeployerContribution.initialize: 0.2 ms [Finished 0.371 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.568Z root INFO Backend ConfigServiceImpl.onStart: 0.4 ms [Finished 0.371 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.569Z root INFO Backend WebviewBackendSecurityWarnings.initialize: 0.2 ms [Finished 0.372 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.569Z root INFO Backend ArduinoDaemonImpl.onStart: 0.5 ms [Finished 0.372 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.569Z root INFO Backend NodeFileUploadService.configure: 0.8 ms [Finished 0.372 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.569Z daemon INFO Starting daemon from /Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/node_modules/arduino-ide-extension/build/arduino-cli...
2023-01-18T09:23:31.569Z discovery-log INFO start
2023-01-18T09:23:31.569Z discovery-log INFO start new deferred
2023-01-18T09:23:31.569Z root INFO Backend HostedPluginLocalizationService.initialize: 0.2 ms [Finished 0.372 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.569Z root INFO Backend BoardDiscovery.onStart: 0.4 ms [Finished 0.373 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.569Z root INFO Backend FileDownloadEndpoint.configure: 0.3 ms [Finished 0.373 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.569Z root INFO Backend AuthenticationServiceImpl.onStart: 0.3 ms [Finished 0.373 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.569Z root INFO Backend PluginApiContribution.configure: 0.3 ms [Finished 0.373 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.570Z root INFO Backend HostedPluginReader.configure: 0.1 ms [Finished 0.374 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.570Z root INFO Backend HostedPluginReader.configure: 0.1 ms [Finished 0.374 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.570Z root INFO Backend PlotterBackendContribution.configure: 0.2 ms [Finished 0.374 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.571Z root INFO Theia app listening on http://localhost:50293.
2023-01-18T09:23:31.571Z root INFO Finished starting backend application: 1.6 ms [Finished 0.375 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.571Z root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/Users/thomashugger/.arduinoIDE/plugins does not exist.
2023-01-18T09:23:31.572Z root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/Users/thomashugger/.arduinoIDE/extensions does not exist.
2023-01-18T09:23:31.572Z root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/Users/thomashugger/.arduinoProIDE/plugins does not exist.
2023-01-18T09:23:31.577Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.577Z root INFO Resolved "cortex-debug" to a VS Code extension "cortex-debug@1.5.1" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.577Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.577Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-arduino-tools" to a VS Code extension "vscode-arduino-tools@0.0.2-beta.5" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.577Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.577Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-builtin-cpp" to a VS Code extension "cpp@1.52.1" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.577Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.577Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-builtin-json" to a VS Code extension "json@1.46.1" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.577Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.577Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-builtin-json-language-features" to a VS Code extension "json-language-features@1.46.1" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-bg" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-bg@1.48.3" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-cs" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-cs@1.53.2" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-de" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-de@1.53.2" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-es" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-es@1.53.2" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-fr" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-fr@1.53.2" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-hu" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-hu@1.48.3" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-it" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-it@1.53.2" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-ja" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-ja@1.53.2" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-ko" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-ko@1.53.2" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-nl" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-nl@1.48.3" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-pl" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-pl@1.53.2" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-pt-BR" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-pt-BR@1.53.2" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-ru" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-ru@1.53.2" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-tr" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-tr@1.53.2" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-uk" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-uk@1.48.3" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
2023-01-18T09:23:31.578Z root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-zh-hans" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-zh-hans@1.53.2" with engines:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.583Z root ERROR Uncaught Exception:
2023-01-18T09:23:31.583Z root ERROR Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/Volumes/TOSHIBA EXT'
2023-01-18T09:23:31.588Z root INFO Resolve plugins list: 19.1 ms [Finished 0.392 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.590Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "marus25.cortex-debug@1.5.1" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/cortex-debug/extension/dist/extension.js": 2.1 ms [Finished 0.394 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.591Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "arduino.vscode-arduino-tools@0.0.2-beta.5" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-arduino-tools/extension/dist/bundle": 1.2 ms [Finished 0.396 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.595Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "vscode.cpp@1.52.1" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-builtin-cpp/extension": 3.8 ms [Finished 0.399 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.599Z daemon INFO INFO[0000] Using config file: /Users/thomashugger/.arduinoIDE/arduino-cli.yaml
INFO[0000] arduino-cli version 0.29.0
INFO[0000] Executing `arduino-cli daemon`
2023-01-18T09:23:31.599Z daemon INFO Daemon is running.
2023-01-18T09:23:31.603Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "vscode.json@1.46.1" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-builtin-json/extension": 7.7 ms [Finished 0.407 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.605Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "vscode.json-language-features@1.46.1" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-builtin-json-language-features/extension/client/dist/jsonMain": 2.3 ms [Finished 0.409 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.635Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-bg@1.48.3" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-language-pack-bg/extension": 29.6 ms [Finished 0.439 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.662Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-cs@1.53.2" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-language-pack-cs/extension": 27.3 ms [Finished 0.466 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.662Z daemon INFO INFO[0000] Loading hardware from: /Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages
INFO[0000] Loading package arduino from: /Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware
INFO[0000] Checking signature error="opening signature file: open /Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/1.8.6/installed.json.sig: no such file or directory" index=/Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/1.8.6/installed.json signatureFile=/Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/1.8.6/installed.json.sig
INFO[0000] Adding monitor tool protocol=serial tool="builtin:serial-monitor"
INFO[0000] Loaded platform platform="arduino:avr@1.8.6"
INFO[0000] Checking existence of 'tools' path: /Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/tools
INFO[0000] Loading tools from dir: /Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/tools
INFO[0000] Loaded tool tool="arduino:arduinoOTA@1.3.0"
INFO[0000] Loaded tool tool="arduino:avr-gcc@7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino7"
INFO[0000] Loaded tool tool="arduino:avrdude@6.3.0-arduino17"
INFO[0000] Loading package builtin from: /Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/builtin
INFO[0000] Checking existence of 'tools' path: /Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/builtin/tools
INFO[0000] Loading tools from dir: /Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/builtin/tools
INFO[0000] Loaded tool tool="builtin:ctags@5.8-arduino11"
INFO[0000] Loaded tool tool="builtin:mdns-discovery@1.0.6"
INFO[0000] Loaded tool tool="builtin:serial-discovery@1.3.2"
INFO[0000] Loaded tool tool="builtin:serial-discovery@1.3.3"
INFO[0000] Loaded tool tool="builtin:serial-monitor@0.10.0"
INFO[0000] Loaded tool tool="builtin:serial-monitor@0.11.0"
INFO[0000] Loaded tool tool="builtin:serial-monitor@0.12.0"
INFO[0000] Loading package esp8266 from: /Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware
INFO[0000] Checking signature error="opening signature file: open /Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/3.1.1/installed.json.sig: no such file or directory" index=/Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/3.1.1/installed.json signatureFile=/Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/3.1.1/installed.json.sig
INFO[0000] Adding monitor tool protocol=serial tool="builtin:serial-monitor"
INFO[0000] Loaded platform platform="esp8266:esp8266@3.1.1"
INFO[0000] Checking existence of 'tools' path: /Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools
INFO[0000] Loading tools from dir: /Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools
INFO[0000] Loaded tool tool="esp8266:mklittlefs@3.1.0-gcc10.3-e5f9fec"
INFO[0000] Loaded tool tool="esp8266:mkspiffs@3.1.0-gcc10.3-e5f9fec"
INFO[0000] Loaded tool tool="esp8266:python3@3.7.2-post1"
INFO[0000] Loaded tool tool="esp8266:xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc@3.1.0-gcc10.3-e5f9fec"
INFO[0000] Checking signature index=/Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/package_index.json signatureFile=/Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/package_index.json.sig trusted=true
2023-01-18T09:23:31.711Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-de@1.53.2" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-language-pack-de/extension": 49.2 ms [Finished 0.516 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.713Z daemon INFO INFO[0000] Checking signature error="opening signature file: open /Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/package_esp8266com_index.json.sig: no such file or directory" index=/Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/package_esp8266com_index.json signatureFile=/Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/package_esp8266com_index.json.sig
INFO[0000] Adding libraries dir dir=/Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/3.1.1/libraries location=platform
INFO[0000] Adding libraries dir dir=/Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/1.8.6/libraries location=platform
INFO[0000] Loading libraries index file index=/Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/library_index.json
2023-01-18T09:23:31.768Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-es@1.53.2" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-language-pack-es/extension": 57.0 ms [Finished 0.573 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.772Z daemon INFO INFO[0000] Adding libraries dir dir=/Users/thomashugger/Library/Arduino15/libraries location=ide
INFO[0000] Adding libraries dir dir="/Volumes/TOSHIBA EXT/Hobby/10 IoT/libraries" location=user
2023-01-18T09:23:31.798Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-fr@1.53.2" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-language-pack-fr/extension": 30.2 ms [Finished 0.603 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.821Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-hu@1.48.3" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-language-pack-hu/extension": 22.9 ms [Finished 0.626 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.846Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-it@1.53.2" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-language-pack-it/extension": 24.9 ms [Finished 0.651 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.848Z discovery-log INFO start request start watch
2023-01-18T09:23:31.848Z discovery-log INFO start requested start watch
2023-01-18T09:23:31.848Z discovery-log INFO start resolved watching
2023-01-18T09:23:31.877Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-ja@1.53.2" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-language-pack-ja/extension": 30.6 ms [Finished 0.681 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.877Z daemon INFO INFO[0000] starting discovery builtin:mdns-discovery process
INFO[0000] starting discovery builtin:serial-discovery process
INFO[0000] started discovery builtin:mdns-discovery process
INFO[0000] started discovery builtin:serial-discovery process
INFO[0000] sending command HELLO 1 "arduino-cli 0.29.0" to discovery builtin:serial-discovery
INFO[0000] sending command HELLO 1 "arduino-cli 0.29.0" to discovery builtin:mdns-discovery
2023-01-18T09:23:31.905Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-ko@1.53.2" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-language-pack-ko/extension": 28.1 ms [Finished 0.710 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.907Z daemon INFO INFO[0000] from discovery builtin:mdns-discovery received message type: hello, Nachricht: OK, Protokollversion: 1
INFO[0000] sending command START_SYNC to discovery builtin:mdns-discovery
INFO[0000] from discovery builtin:mdns-discovery received message type: start_sync, Nachricht: OK
INFO[0000] from discovery builtin:serial-discovery received message type: hello, Nachricht: OK, Protokollversion: 1
INFO[0000] sending command START_SYNC to discovery builtin:serial-discovery
INFO[0000] from discovery builtin:serial-discovery received message type: start_sync, Nachricht: OK
INFO[0000] from discovery builtin:serial-discovery received message type: add, port: /dev/cu.wlan-debug
INFO[0000] from discovery builtin:serial-discovery received message type: add, port: /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
2023-01-18T09:23:31.908Z discovery-log INFO {"eventType":"add","port":{"matchingBoardsList":[],"port":{"address":"/dev/cu.wlan-debug","label":"/dev/cu.wlan-debug","protocol":"serial","protocolLabel":"Serial Port","propertiesMap":[]}},"error":""}
2023-01-18T09:23:31.908Z discovery-log INFO {"eventType":"add","port":{"matchingBoardsList":[],"port":{"address":"/dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port","label":"/dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port","protocol":"serial","protocolLabel":"Serial Port","propertiesMap":[]}},"error":""}
2023-01-18T09:23:31.917Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-nl@1.48.3" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-language-pack-nl/extension": 11.4 ms [Finished 0.721 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.938Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-pl@1.53.2" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-language-pack-pl/extension": 21.7 ms [Finished 0.743 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.962Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-pt-br@1.53.2" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/extension": 23.2 ms [Finished 0.766 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:31.990Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-ru@1.53.2" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-language-pack-ru/extension": 28.0 ms [Finished 0.794 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:32.018Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-tr@1.53.2" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-language-pack-tr/extension": 28.9 ms [Finished 0.823 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:32.039Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-uk@1.48.3" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-language-pack-uk/extension": 20.7 ms [Finished 0.844 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:32.066Z root INFO Deployed backend plugin "ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-zh-hans@1.53.2" from "/Applications/Arduino IDE.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/extension": 23.4 ms [Finished 0.867 s after backend start]
2023-01-18T09:23:32.076Z root INFO Deploy plugins list: 19.1 ms [Finished 0.870 s after backend start]
Opening channel for service path '/services/electron-window-ext'.
Opening channel for service path '/services/electron-window'.
Opening channel for service path '/services/ide-updater'.
2023-01-18T09:23:32.627Z root WARN Frontend a.configure took longer than the expected maximum 100 milliseconds: 180.9 ms [Finished 0.905 s after frontend start]
You have your "Sketchbook location" preference set to /Volumes/TOSHIBA EXT/Hobby/10 IoT, but Arduino IDE can't access /Volumes/TOSHIBA EXT. From the name, it sounds like maybe this is an external hard drive? If so, is it connected to your computer?
Indeed, I have changed the Sketchbook location to an external drive before IDE crashed. Unfortunately this drive did not work well due to whatever reason. I'm wondering, that IDE "remembers" this after a deinstallation and a new installation. I expected a new "virgin" set up with a default Sketchbook location setting when installing new.
The next problem I have with the external drive is, that the MAC is not recognizing it anymore
The preference is stored in a file that is not affected by the uninstall.
If you are not able to restore access to the drive, I will provide two options for solving this problem. You can chose whichever one is most convenient for you. Please let me know if you have any problems or questions while following the instructions.
Update to the Arduino IDE Nightly
This bug of Arduino IDE failing to start if it can't access the drive of the sketchbook folder has already been fixed:
After this fix, Arduino IDE will start up completely even when the sketchbook location isn't accessible. Some features won't work, but you are able to set a valid sketchbook location via the Arduino IDE GUI to restore it to full functionality.
Download the latest nightly build of Arduino IDE from the links listed here: https://www.arduino.cc/en/software#nightly-builds
The fix was done after the time of the latest Arduino IDE 2.0.3 release, so it is currently only available when using the nightly build.
Install the downloaded file as usual.
Start the nightly build of Arduino IDE.
Select Arduino IDE > Settings from the menu bar.
The "Preferences" dialog will open.
Set the "Sketchbook location" preference to a path that is accessible.
Click the "OK" button in the "Preferences" dialog.
Manually Edit the Preferences
Open the file at the following path in any text editor:
Change the path set in this line:
user: /Volumes/TOSHIBA EXT/Hobby/10 IoT
to any valid location on your computer where you would like to locate your sketchbook (the default is /Users/thomashugger/Documents/Arduino)
Save the file.
Start Arduino IDE.
I just got my first ever Mac machine, specifically so I will be able to do a better job of testing and support for the Arduino development tools.
Even though I have always been a Windows user (mostly because that is the operating system of the majority of the users of the software I have worked on), I think there are good reasons for choosing a Mac. But trying to switch back and forth between Windows/Linux and macOS several times a day is so frustrating for me because the keyboard shortcuts are all different. I guess there is probably a way to modify macOS to use the same shortcuts, but I'm trying to keep my system as "vanilla" as possible so it will most closely emulate the environment of the average user.
I could bring the external disk back to live by using the macOS disk utility and choose "first aid" here. It seems to be something similar as "repair disk" on Windows (however I have to admit, that "repair disk" on Windows have never worked for me) So this is a PRO for MAC!!!
With the restored HD I could access IDE again and could change the Sketchbook path.
So many, many thanks for your fast and absolutely competent support! I have learnt some very interesting things about my MAC and I'm pretty sure, that more MAC users will benefit from this post.