Macro and variable error in code

Hi all

New to arduino and in process of building my first proper sketch for a project . I've been verifying each section as I go, but i've run into an error and I cant work out what the root cause is...another section of code using the same logic verified ok...

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!


Error is below, followed by the code:

Arduino: 1.8.19 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino Uno"

In file included from sketch\EBIKE_CONTROL_SKETCH_V1.ino.cpp:1:0:

C:\Users\Tim\Documents\Arduino\EBIKE_CONTROL_SKETCH_V1\EBIKE_CONTROL_SKETCH_V1.ino: In function 'void loop()':

C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino/Arduino.h:40:14: error: assignment of read-only variable 'ModeSwitch3'

#define HIGH 0x1


C:\Users\Tim\Documents\Arduino\EBIKE_CONTROL_SKETCH_V1\EBIKE_CONTROL_SKETCH_V1.ino:54:26: note: in expansion of macro 'HIGH'

else if (ModeSwitch3 = HIGH) {ModeState=Mode3;


C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino/Arduino.h:41:14: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment

#define LOW 0x0


C:\Users\Tim\Documents\Arduino\EBIKE_CONTROL_SKETCH_V1\EBIKE_CONTROL_SKETCH_V1.ino:56:47: note: in expansion of macro 'LOW'

else if (ModeSwitch1 = LOW && ModeSwitch3 = LOW) {ModeState=Mode2;


exit status 1

#include <Servo.h>

Servo ESC;     // create servo object to control the ESC

//Hardware constants
const int TorqueInput = A0; // input from torque sensor (0-5v)
const int PASInput = 2; // input from cadence sensor (HIGH/LOW)
const int ModeSwitch1 = 3; // input from mode switch setting 1 (switching green and black)(HIGH/LOW)
const int ModeSwitch3 = 4; // input from mode switch setting 3 (switching red and black)(HIGH/LOW)
const int CurrentSensor = A1; // input from current sensor (0-5v)
const int OnOffSwitch = 5; // input from on/off switch (HIGH/LOW)

//Software constants
const unsigned long StartPulsesTimeout = 150; // Time within which pulses set by startpulses must be counted to identify pedalling
const int StartPulses = 3; // Number of PAS pulses needed before turning on
const float Mode1 = 0.33; // modifier for Mode 1
const float Mode2 = 0.66; // modifier for Mode 2
const float Mode3 = 1.00; // modifier for Mode 3

// Variables
int OnOffState = 0; // variable holding information on state of OnOffSwitch (1 or 0)
int PASState = 0; // variable holding information on whether pedalling is occurring (1 or 0)
volatile int InputEdges = 0; // counter for the number of pulses since last reset
volatile unsigned long LastEdgeTime = 0; // timestamp of last PAS pulse
bool state=false; // variable holding information about the state of the output
volatile int PulseCounter; // variable holding pulse count
int ModeState = 0; // variable holding state of Mode Switch

void setup() {
  // Attach the ESC on pin 1
  ESC.attach(1,1000,2000); // (pin, min pulse width, max pulse width in microseconds) 
  Serial.begin(9600); // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
  pinMode(OnOffSwitch, INPUT); // make the OnOffSwitch pin an input:
  pinMode(PASInput, INPUT); // make the PASInput pin an input
  pinMode(ModeSwitch1, INPUT); // make the ModeSwitch1 pin an input
  pinMode(ModeSwitch3, INPUT); // make the ModeSwitch3 pin an input


void loop() {
  // Check status of OnOffSwitch
  int OnOffSwitchState = digitalRead(OnOffSwitch); // read the input pin:
  if (OnOffSwitchState == HIGH){
  else {OnOffState=0;

  // Check status of the Mode Switch
  if (ModeSwitch1 == HIGH) {
  else if (ModeSwitch3 = HIGH) {ModeState=Mode3;
  else if (ModeSwitch1 = LOW && ModeSwitch3 = LOW) {ModeState=Mode2;

   // If PAS signal is inactive for too long, turn off everything
  unsigned long CurrentTime=millis();
  if ((CurrentTime>LastEdgeTime)&&((CurrentTime-LastEdgeTime)>StartPulsesTimeout)) {
  // If PulseCounter equal or greater than StartPulses, make PASState = 1
  if (PulseCounter>=StartPulses) {PASState=1;}

void pulse () {
    // check status of PASInput
    // Interrupt subroutine, refresh last impulse timestamp and increment pulse counter 
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PASInput), []() { PulseCounter++;  }, RISING);

void TurnOff() {
  //Turn off output, reset pulse counter and set state variable to false
  else if (ModeSwitch3 = HIGH) {ModeState=Mode3;

= for assignment
==for comparison

Which did you mean to use ?

HIGH is already defined, print it to see what you get.

else if (ModeSwitch3 = HIGH)
This is not correct, research = vs ==

each { needs a friend }


I don't know how I missed that. I thought it was something to do with having no variable assigned. Of course it verifies fine now.

I stared at that for half an hr last night...

I think that this piece of code does nothing because the ModeSwitch1 variable never is updated.

  if (ModeSwitch1 == HIGH) 

For me it should be:

if (digitalRead(ModeSwitch1) == HIGH)

Try this code.
I think it should do what do you want.

#include <Servo.h>

Servo ESC;     // create servo object to control the ESC

// Hardware constants
const int TorqueInput = A0;   // input from torque sensor (0-5v)
const int PASInput = 2;       // input from cadence sensor (HIGH/LOW)
const int ModeSwitch1 = 3;    // input from mode switch setting 1 (switching green and black)(HIGH/LOW)
const int ModeSwitch3 = 4;    // input from mode switch setting 3 (switching red and black)(HIGH/LOW)
const int CurrentSensor = A1; // input from current sensor (0-5v)
const int OnOffSwitch = 5;    // input from on/off switch (HIGH/LOW)

// Software constants
const unsigned long StartPulsesTimeout = 150; // Time within which pulses set by startpulses must be counted to identify pedalling
const int StartPulses = 3;                    // Number of PAS pulses needed before turning on
const float Mode1 = 0.33;                     // modifier for Mode 1
const float Mode2 = 0.66;                     // modifier for Mode 2
const float Mode3 = 1.00;                     // modifier for Mode 3

// Variables
int OnOffState = 0;                      // variable holding information on state of OnOffSwitch (1 or 0)
int PASState = 0;                        // variable holding information on whether pedalling is occurring (1 or 0)
volatile int InputEdges = 0;             // counter for the number of pulses since last reset
volatile unsigned long LastEdgeTime = 0; // timestamp of last PAS pulse
bool state = false;                      // variable holding information about the state of the output
volatile int PulseCounter;               // variable holding pulse count
int ModeState = 0;                       // variable holding state of Mode Switch

void pulse ()
  // check status of PASInput
  // Interrupt subroutine, refresh last impulse timestamp and increment pulse counter
   attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PASInput), []() { PulseCounter++;  }, RISING);

void TurnOff()
  // Turn off output, reset pulse counter and set state variable to false
  InputEdges = 0;
  state = false;
  OnOffState = 0;

void setup()
  // Attach the ESC on pin 1
  ESC.attach(1,1000,2000);     // (pin, min pulse width, max pulse width in microseconds)
  Serial.begin(9600);          // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
  pinMode(OnOffSwitch, INPUT); // make the OnOffSwitch pin an input:
  pinMode(PASInput, INPUT);    // make the PASInput pin an input
  pinMode(ModeSwitch1, INPUT); // make the ModeSwitch1 pin an input
  pinMode(ModeSwitch3, INPUT); // make the ModeSwitch3 pin an input


void loop()
  // Check status of OnOffSwitch
  if (digitalRead(OnOffSwitch) == HIGH)
    OnOffState = 1;
    OnOffState = 0;

  // Check status of the Mode Switch
  if (digitalRead(ModeSwitch1) == HIGH)
    ModeState = Mode1;
  else if (digitalRead(ModeSwitch3) == HIGH)
    ModeState = Mode3;
  else if ((digitalRead(ModeSwitch1) == LOW) && digitalRead(ModeSwitch3 == LOW))
    ModeState = Mode2;

  // If PAS signal is inactive for too long, turn off everything
  unsigned long CurrentTime = millis();
  if ((CurrentTime > LastEdgeTime) && ((CurrentTime - LastEdgeTime) > StartPulsesTimeout))

  // If PulseCounter equal or greater than StartPulses, make PASState = 1
  if (PulseCounter >= StartPulses)
    PASState = 1;

Thanks - that was a good spot!

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