My project is to turn an rc truck into an arduino robot, with a camera
I want to add an arm ( Robotic Arm Edge - OWI Inc. dba: Robotikits™ Direct ) and control it with a joystick ( http://gaming.logitech.com/en-us/product/extreme-3d-pro-joystick )
Is it possible that I can control the camera, the arm, and the truck all with the joystick ?
and what would i need
thank you
That's, all possible
I read code somewhere on the net for that joystick (I forget where).
You feed the output of the joystick to the arduino.
The arduino interprets the input.
Does something with the input.
Transmits the required data.
Another arduino receives the data.
Does something with the data.
Outputs the data.
So you need;
Wireless Camera(receiver)
Servo Shield
Servos (camera)
Wireless Camera
And all the code in between, there are complete projects here that cover 90% of your project.
10% is working with the joystick, and will probably take the most amount of time.
So i suggest getting a cheap used joystick and experimenting.