I want to create a led matrix that does things similar to madrix or glediator but is able todo without the use of a computer. I understand it would not be the same but would be happy if i could some how capture a small videos and save them to play without the computer.
I'm sorry, you're going to have to describe what you want to do more fully before we can help you.
What do you mean capture video?
What LED dimensions do you want? (8x8, 16x8, etc.)
Do you want to control it with buttons or do you just want the leds to run by themselves?
Any other information you can think of to describe exactly what you have in mind?
It probably is impossible to capture a video with an arduino, you'll need a faster micro-controller for that.
Even when recording in a 320x240 resolution at a rate of 15fps you've got to read and interpret more as a million pixels per second.
A lot is possible with an arduino, the comparison isn't completely correct, but keep in mind it has the computing power of an 20 year old PC.
"Playing" back videos on a led matrix is another thing, since you probably never going to use a 76.800 leds(320x240). If you could average colour and luminosity of a block of 10x10 pixels to a single dot on your display, it will result in 768 leds, which is far better in reach of an arduino. It would require the use of a PC to convert your video to a low resolution version first though. After that, you could play it on your arduino.
If you want a real-time option, it may be possible to use a Raspberry-pi, a low cost credit-card sized PC. It could film what you want and prepare the data for the arduino display.