I'm building the budgetbot from this Magbook - http://www.amazon.co.uk/How-build-Robot-PC-Pro/dp/1781063133
The Fritzing breadboard layout (attached) is from this Github site - magbot/fritzing at master · theapi/magbot · GitHub. It's the Magbot-Budget.
The sketch is from the same Github - magbot/sketches/BasicBotBudget at master · theapi/magbot · GitHub
Here is the sketch -
Created by Peter Clarke
13 - Motor B direction 1
12 - Motor A direction 2
11 - Motor B direction 2
8 - Motor A direction 1
7 - Ping trigger
6 - Motor B pwm
5 - Motor A pwm
4 - Ping echo
// https://code.google.com/p/arduino-new-ping/
#include <NewPing.h>
#define MOTOR_SPEED_MIN_A 200
#define MOTOR_SPEED_MAX_A 255
#define MOTOR_SPEED_MIN_B 200
#define MOTOR_SPEED_MAX_B 255
// Right Motor attached to channel A:
const byte motorA_direction1 = 8;
const byte motorA_direction2 = 12;
const byte motorA_pwm = 5;
// Left Motor attached to channel B:
const byte motorB_direction1 = 13;
const byte motorB_direction2 = 11;
const byte motorB_pwm = 6;
// Ping configuration
const byte ping_trigger = 7; // Arduino pin tied to trigger pin on the ultrasonic sensor.
const byte ping_echo = 4; // Arduino pin tied to echo pin on the ultrasonic sensor.
const int ping_distance = 80; // Maximum distance we want to ping for (in centimeters). Maximum sensor distance is rated at 400-500cm.
NewPing sonar(ping_trigger, ping_echo, ping_distance); // NewPing setup of pins and maximum distance.
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // Open serial monitor at 9600 baud to see debugging messages.
// Setup Channel A
pinMode(motorA_direction1, OUTPUT); // Initiates motor pin for channel A
pinMode(motorA_direction2, OUTPUT); // Initiates motor pin for channel A
pinMode(motorA_pwm, OUTPUT); // Initiates speed control for channel A
// Setup Channel B
pinMode(motorB_direction1, OUTPUT); // Initiates motor pin for channel B
pinMode(motorB_direction2, OUTPUT); // Initiates motor pin for channel B
pinMode(motorB_pwm, OUTPUT); // Initiates speed control for channel B
// Start moving
void loop()
Ping functions
void pingMeasure()
unsigned int cm = sonar.ping_cm(); // Send a ping, get ping distance in cm.
if (cm > 0 && cm < 20) {
Serial.println("Too close!");
// Reverse for a second.
// Turn right for half a second
// Carry on
Motion functions
void motionStop()
analogWrite(motorA_pwm, 0); // Zero speed
analogWrite(motorB_pwm, 0); // Zero speed
void motionFwd(byte speed)
byte speed_a = motionSpeedCompensateA(speed);
byte speed_b = motionSpeedCompensateB(speed);
digitalWrite(motorA_direction1, HIGH); // Channel A forward
digitalWrite(motorA_direction2, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorB_direction1, HIGH); // Channel B forward
digitalWrite(motorB_direction2, LOW);
analogWrite(motorA_pwm, speed_a); // set the speed
analogWrite(motorB_pwm, speed_b); // set the speed
void motionRev(byte speed)
byte speed_a = motionSpeedCompensateA(speed);
byte speed_b = motionSpeedCompensateB(speed);
digitalWrite(motorA_direction1, LOW); // Channel A reverse
digitalWrite(motorA_direction2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motorB_direction1, LOW); // Channel B reverse
digitalWrite(motorB_direction2, HIGH);
analogWrite(motorA_pwm, speed_a); // set the speed
analogWrite(motorB_pwm, speed_b); // set the speed
void motionRotateLeft(byte speed)
byte speed_a = motionSpeedCompensateA(speed);
byte speed_b = motionSpeedCompensateB(speed);
digitalWrite(motorA_direction1, HIGH); // Channel A forward
digitalWrite(motorA_direction2, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorB_direction1, LOW); // Channel B reverse
digitalWrite(motorB_direction2, HIGH);
analogWrite(motorA_pwm, speed_a);
analogWrite(motorB_pwm, speed_b);
void motionRotateRight(byte speed)
byte speed_a = motionSpeedCompensateA(speed);
byte speed_b = motionSpeedCompensateB(speed);
digitalWrite(motorA_direction1, LOW); // Channel A reverse
digitalWrite(motorA_direction2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motorB_direction1, HIGH); // Channel B forward
digitalWrite(motorB_direction2, LOW);
analogWrite(motorA_pwm, speed_a);
analogWrite(motorB_pwm, speed_b);
byte motionSpeedCompensateA(byte speed)
// Need to slow down this motor
speed = speed - (MOTOR_SPEED_MAX_B - MOTOR_SPEED_MAX_A);
if (speed < MOTOR_SPEED_MIN_A) {
} else if (speed > MOTOR_SPEED_MAX_A) {
return speed;
byte motionSpeedCompensateB(byte speed)
// Need to slow down this motor
speed = speed - (MOTOR_SPEED_MAX_A - MOTOR_SPEED_MAX_B);
if (speed < MOTOR_SPEED_MIN_B) {
} else if (speed > MOTOR_SPEED_MAX_B) {
return speed;
The issue I am having is that only one wheel - the left hand wheel - is turning round. I can't seem to get both wheels turning together to go forward. The ultrasonic unit is working fine and detecting distance and movement and causing the robot to stop and back up but still only on a single wheel.
I have tried replacing the L293D chip for a different known working one and it is still not happy.
Any ideas?
Thanks Stu