Magic Wand Air Symbols

I want to create Harry Potter's style magic wand, to draw symbols in the air.
I read few topics, and understand, that some axel sensor, particularly mpu6050.
Want to recognize combination of simple gestures like wand up, down, left, right, diagonal.
Maybe someone has experience with this? Maybe someone can give some advice how to do it?

How much Arduino experience do you have?

I don't know if what you want is possible but it will certainly be complex and would not be suitable for a beginners project.


I have experience as firmware engineer.
I want to use arduino just to make fast prototype. And after move it to for example stm32 or another arm.
So I'm not afraid of complex solution.

Well this blog post arrived just in time. Teach a Nano 33 BLE sense to recognized hand gestures using its IMU and Tensorflow Lite (TFL). I have no idea how well it works in practice. The TFL speech recognition demos I have seen running on SAMD51 boards are very error prone.

I have experience as firmware engineer.
I want to use arduino just to make fast prototype.

The Arduino system is great for learning by doing. Get a sensor and write a short program. See what data you can gather.
