Magnetic field

In a magnetic field of a c0il,if y0u add a resist0r in series with the c0il,d0es the magnetic field will change? ?

The resistance will lower the current thru the coil, so I would say "yes"? What are you attempting to do, may I ask?

We're making our pr0ject, . Mini Magneticp0wered train, nd i want to have a higher resistance c0il,with the same magnetic field as bef0re,is it p0ssible?

Can s0me0ne answer my questi0n. . . S0 i c0uld finish my pr0ject!. . .thanks. . .

The magnetic field in a coil is determined by the number of turns in the coil multiplied by the current through the coil. Adding a resistor will reduce the current and the magnetic field.

If you want a higher resistance coil with the same magnetic field then the coil would need to be wound with more turns of a smaller gage (higher resistance/foot) wire.

And by the way, if you want more people to answer to your question please stop posting (or p0sting...) in a terrible style like this.

I was going to say "maybe his 'O' key is broken" but I can see that isn't the case; he's probably just a sloppy typist - the 'O' and the '0' key are right next to each other, so he's probably fat-fingering it...


Nah - he thinks it makes him look like a "l337 h4x0r" ;D

Well, you know that's why I have a zero in my handle...


||0B0dY 15 4S 1337 H4x0r A5 1 4|/|!!!!


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well, thanks for your reply,, sorry for what i've said before,,, and sorry im not a boy,,,,im a girl...and im using my phone last time i replied you,,, that's why im using zero..instead of o,,,, :-[ ..sorry............

Does RoyK's response help?

well, thanks for your reply,, sorry for what i've said before,,, and sorry im not a boy,,,,im a girl...and im using my phone last time i replied you,,, that's why im using zero..instead of o,,,, Embarrassed ..sorry...........



Something to keep in mind about tech boards and blogs like this: Number one, they are typically filled with guys, in many cases guys who have been online longer than many on the internet have been alive. In some cases, we cut our teeth on homegrown BBSs (bulletin board systems) dialed up in the dead of night on a 2400 baud (or sometimes less) modem. Some of us even ran our own systems. Mustang Software, a purveyor of one of the more popular shareware BBS systems, was in my backyard.

A few of us even predate the internet (not I, unfortunately; but my heart does - hell, my heart predates modern electronics and the airplane, if the truth were told) - I would guess there is at least one Arduino fan on these forums who has submitted code to an IBM 360 or other mainframe via a deck of cards - ouch!

So you can say we have likely seen or done it all, and when we see things like your character substitution, we may remember when we were "kids" on the machine, or when some other new passing "computer fad" was in vogue; for me, it brings a chuckle - but inevitably, some minor teasing occurs...

I am pretty sure I can say that we didn't mean anything by any of it; I know I didn't (my first thought really was a broken keyboard!).

Live, learn and laugh, especially here; this thing we call the internet is really the most amazing tool mankind has created thus far. Like any tool, used properly it can expand horizons, broaden minds, and incite further creativity. Take wonder and enjoyment from being alive during a time when this is possible, and laugh...



I would guess there is at least one Arduino fan on these forums who has submitted code to an IBM 360 or other mainframe via a deck of cards - ouch!

I'd bet that I'm not the only one.

I'd bet that I'm not the only one.

Quite right you are not. :wink:

Amen to that.
(also used to know PDP-8 RIM loader by heart)

I'd bet that I'm not the only one.

You'd win that bet. I'll never forget the time the computer room staff "cleaned house" over summer break and tossed my deck of 800+ cards for a program I was working on for my thesis....

Yeah, . . I think royk's suggestion will help, . .thanks. . .
Crosh. . . Ok i understand what you mean. . . And sorry again, . . I hope i could ask again some question, . .

I hope i could ask again some question,

Any time. :slight_smile: