All the code is now complete with the exception of the depth control.
I have a sketch that will control the depth But I would like a little more dead band when depth is correct.
I have marked the place were the dead band is wanted with a comment..
#include <Servo.h>
int requireddepth = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
int currentdepth = 0;
int tick = false;// Am I already in LOOP
int Virt_thruster_adjust = 0;// Amount to maintian depth
int vertical_thruster = 90;// actual thruster speed forward or revirse
int Vertical_Potentiometer ;// Signal from topside control box
Servo Vertical_Thruster;
void setup() {
void loop() {
Vertical_Potentiometer = analogRead(A0); // Temp Fix that is the same as signal from topside control
Vertical_Potentiometer = map(Vertical_Potentiometer, 0 , 1023 , 0 , 180);// 0 to 180 out
if ( Vertical_Potentiometer > 88 && Vertical_Potentiometer < 92 ) { //Skips if Data is around centre point SO Hold current depth
currentdepth = analogRead(A3); // take a depth reading with Pressure sensor
if (tick == false){ // I want to do this Hold Depth
requireddepth = currentdepth; // Now hold this as a referance point
tick = true; // Now I cannot redo the requird depth and I am in Depth maintain loop
//********** AREA here is still not skiping if currentdepth = requireddepth + or - 2..Not sure how to fix this
currentdepth = analogRead(A3); //Take another reading as first is in check loop with Pressure sensor
// if currentdepth +3 requireddepth
Serial.print(" currentdepth = "); Serial.print(currentdepth);
Serial.print(" requireddepth = "); Serial.print(requireddepth);
if ((currentdepth - requireddepth) > 5){
Virt_thruster_adjust = Virt_thruster_adjust - 1; // Decrease thruster speed
Serial.print (" Go up ");
if ((requireddepth - currentdepth) > 5) {
Virt_thruster_adjust = Virt_thruster_adjust + 1; // Increase thruster speed
Serial.print (" Go Down ");
vertical_thruster = Vertical_Potentiometer + Virt_thruster_adjust;
if ( Vertical_Potentiometer > 88 && Vertical_Potentiometer < 92 ) { // Still in centre
tick = true; // DONT do this loop as Depth is OK
tick = false; // go back to surface control as No longer in Depth maintain loop
Serial.print("tick = ");
Serial.print(tick); // Tick should be 0 here
vertical_thruster = Vertical_Potentiometer; // resets to centre/netual postition
Virt_thruster_adjust = 0; // remove anything here as its no longer wanted
if(vertical_thruster > 180) vertical_thruster = 180; // checks the range does not excide limmets
if(vertical_thruster < 0) vertical_thruster = 0;
Vertical_Thruster.write(vertical_thruster); //Continious rotation Servo in here for Testing
Serial.print(" Virtical Thruster Speed = ");
}// ************************************************* END of MAIN LOOP ****************************************
I have used Pots to input the varables.
I did try the Pid method But I lack knowledge on using the PiD.
Many thanks for looking.
Regards Antony.