Make a digital Writing Pad

Hello Friends. My first question here! From my name it is clear that I am a medical student which is interested in electronics more than Medical itself! I have no practical experience with arduino. But I have been reading about arduino too much and I know how to program a little bit with Java, Python and C++ and will learn programming in arduino ide fast. I also know basics of electronics etc. theoretical. What I want to do is to make a gadget using arduino which functions like a writing pad. In class I would write lectures on my arduino gadget screen which would save it into SD card in image format(If you suggest others then they are nice as well but I think saving into image would be easy). And also I should be able to view those images letter. In summary you can say that I want to make a gadget which would save me from carrying large registers in my bag and my lectures would be safe for years. So how can I make a screen over which I will write and it will record and process my input and convert whole thing into image? Or is there any shield for it? Just give me information that with which hardware components this is possible? Thanks alot!

I doubt you could do this with an Arduino Uno - maybe a Due, and a large enough touchscreen.

Ultimately, though, you will spend more time, effort, and money on this, than if you purchased a low cost Android tablet.

Why are you crossposting?

// Per.