Hello guys,
I'm working to solve solar position algorithm (SPA) using Arduino. I trying to check the SPA calculation using serial monitor before I continue to the next stages, but it give me a strange results like:
I'm using the SPA as a library and below is my sketch.
I attached the library files as well as the tester.
Your help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance
Umm , I think it is not a serial monitor problem, It is the code itself.
To simplify the code I modified it to show only one calculation result, and now I get only zero and serial monitor displays
Julian Day: 0.00
Julian Day: 0.00
Julian Day: 0.00
And I can not solve this problem till now. Please help
That yyy crap is almost always a speed problem for the serial communication between the arduino and the computer. Make sure that both the Serial.begin ( ) function call, and the serial monitor settting on the computer, are set to the same speed.
Thanks Michinyon for your input. The Serial Monitor is working fine with me except in this code . I solved and displayed X = 5*6 = 30 on serial monitor. Hello World is working fine alone , but it not working by adding it to my sketch even in void setup() .
I tried many times to make and run a library to get the results as shown in the tester file but I get nothing or very strange results like " Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y "
I tried many times to make and run a library to get the results as shown in the tester file but I get nothing or very strange results like " Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y "
What sketch are you running? (Your xxx.ino file).
Please copy and paste the results, not say what they are "like".
Thanks a lot AWOL for your fast replies, but I have a question: how to add this to my sketch and how to get the result ?
I need more clarification
AWOL is telling the truth. I calculate that L_TERMS will take 4 * 6 * 64 * 3 = 4608 bytes, which is already more than you have on a Uno.