I'd like to know if you had some links, pointers, stuff about how to use data from arduino clouds (basically variables) from another webpage for visualization purpose for instance.
For example, depending on temperature measurement, I'd like to change the color of my page background.
Welcome to this amazing world of the Arduino Cloud!
You have several ways to do what you describe. Any procedure is basically based on the idea of accessing remotely the data or pushing it from the cloud to any of your servers.
You can access your devices' data through the API and embed any call to the IoT Cloud in your web page. Here you have the documentation:
David, thanks a lot
We'll have some devices in the studio here, sensing the sound, the light level intensity in the street in Marseille, and displaying it on a kind of art way
Would you help me to get a time series ? for instance, I'd need the 1000 freshest values from that property from that thing.
I'm also struggling to get the updates from more than one property.
Should I do twice the same code ? I guess this is not efficient as we can put more than one callback no?
On the pure webpage side, I didn't achieve to do this.
I'd like to do the same and get back 1000 values, and use them in a webpage.
Still didn't achieve it.
I still don't have an issue or an error.
One of the projet I need to make is a data visualization.
I'd basically want to use processing js published in a webpage, retrieve the n-last values of a timeseries, and make visuals with that.
MQTT could be interesting. Igoe posted this: MQTT Examples | mqtt-examples
But in that case, and AFAIK, I think I'd get only messages (values) posted on the fly. Not a timeseries historical.