Make your own uno serial- usb module PCB files/
Where are the Make your own uno serial- usb module PCB files?
I can only find the main PCB's files.

What is in the CAD files download ?

Just a serial adapter that gets shipped with the Make Your Own Uno kit.

You'll have to google around a bit to find USB to UART designs....Mostly because USB to UART chips that work with Arduino are SMD only.

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@UKHeliBob I found it in that download. I guess they did not put it in the 3d viewer(I was looking there)

What EDA can open .PcbDoc files?

I actually found a tutorial that used DIP chips.
Link coming soon.
No idea if I can trust it though....


See With Altium Designers PCBDOC Viewer Nothing is Left to Chance


Is Altium free?

0 experience with KiCAD though...

The viewer is. From the page that I linked to that I assume that you have looked at

Altium Designer Viewer Edition

When the design is complete and it is time to hand it over for manufacturing, you need to have confidence that the data you send out clearly communicates your intent. This way you can be sure that the board that gets manufactured is built exactly the way that you intended it to be. The key to this level of communication is for all members of the design and manufacturing teams to have access to your documentation.

Altium offers a free download of a PCB document file viewer. This tool is a version of Altium Designer that grants access as read-only to the Gerber files and manufacturing documentation that you have created

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