Making a drone with arduino and DC motors

In the drone that I bought, the motors in the following link were the ones they were very weak and spoiled quickly.

In this project, I will use somewhat more powerful engines, such as DC motors

what batteries, specifically?

I didn't mean that. I meant that I could use powerful batteries if I used DC motors

Be specific. What motors, what motor controller, how will you control this robot, etc

The motors in the Amazon link are DC motors.
Do you mean more powerful DC coreless motors?

Lithium polymer batteries 3.7V And about 5000 amps

I mean this motors

About 5000...amps? It would be 5000mA and that's a single cell lipo. You won't be using more powerful brushed motors than the ones you linked to at that voltage, I'm afraid. That's about the limit.
Where doe the Arduino come in? What Arduino? What else besides fly and talk is this thing supposed to do?

The motors I meant in the previous message

l298n driver

How do you know they are more powerful than the other motors?
Maybe they are less powerful!

Via voice commands.. I will also provide it with an ultrasonic sensor so that he can avoid obstacles

Ok, they are rated at 10000rpm @ 1.5V, max of 23000 rpm @ 3V. Now add props to them and the robot take off weight (batteries, the body, everything). It'll be noisy (ever overvolt a Nerf blaster? That's one place that uses these motors in their electric flywheel variations),might get off the ground. I'd be concerned about the battery temp as well...

Hey, if it's low cost and low weight, go for it. Be interested in seeing how the project turns out.

Don't forget you'll have to configure the motors and propellers in clockwise and counterclockwise pairs, in most configurations.

Yes it'is

Yes, I know that

How do you plan on monitoring the battery voltage? You need a way to know if a lipo drops below 3.2V per cell.

I don't know

Even those small store bought drones are built to stop working at the cutoff voltage. There's a literal fire risk of discharging lipos too low, just to be sure you're aware. Safety first, right?

I know because I already have both types at home.. my younger siblings have a lot of toys that contain this motors