Making a dual button press more forgiving and long press functionality

I've created a simple midi preset controller that scrolls using separate up and down foot switches. When both are pressed at the same time it sends a different program change, however i'm find it quite hard to do as both foot switches have to be pressed at exactly the same time, is there a way to make this double press more forgiving?

Also if anyone has any advice about how to incorporate long press functionality that would be great!


#include <MIDI.h>

const byte LEDs[] = {15, 14, 16, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6}; // Pins for LEDs
const byte dipSwitchPins[] = {4, 5};  // Pins for dip switches
int Up = 2;
int Down = 3;

void setup() {
  pinMode (Up, INPUT_PULLUP); // Momentary switch 1
  pinMode (Down, INPUT_PULLUP); // Momentary switch 2 
  pinMode(dipSwitchPins[0], INPUT_PULLUP);  // Dip switch 1
  pinMode(dipSwitchPins[1], INPUT_PULLUP);  // Dip switch 2
  for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++) pinMode(LEDs[i], OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  static int progNo = 0;
  static bool upNow, downNow = false;
  static byte channelNo = 1;  // Default MIDI channel

  upNow = digitalRead(Up) == LOW;
  downNow = digitalRead(Down) == LOW;

  // Check if both up and down buttons are pressed
  if (upNow && downNow) {
    progNo = 127; // Set to preset 127
    MIDI.sendProgramChange(byte(progNo), channelNo);
    delay(55); // not a Debounce delay
    delay (50);
  } else {
    // Check individual button presses
    if (upNow) {
      progNo++; // Increment program change
      if (progNo > 7) progNo = 0; // Wrap around to 0
      MIDI.sendProgramChange(byte(progNo), channelNo);

    if (downNow) {
      progNo--; // Decrement program change
      if (progNo < 0) progNo = 7; // Wrap around to 7
      if (progNo == 126) progNo = 7;
      MIDI.sendProgramChange(byte(progNo), channelNo);

  // Update LEDs and print program and channel number
  for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++) digitalWrite(LEDs[i], progNo != i ? LOW : HIGH);

  // Read dip switches to set MIDI channel
  byte dipSwitchState = digitalRead(dipSwitchPins[0]) | (digitalRead(dipSwitchPins[1]) << 1);
  channelNo = map(dipSwitchState, 0, 3, 1, 4);


Describe what this does ?

  upNow = digitalRead(Up) == LOW;
  downNow = digitalRead(Down) == LOW;

When a foot switch is pushed, start a TIMER, when the TIMER expires, check the other switch.