Making a project for school, looking for a module

Hey folks, first time topic here !
For a school project, I'm making with friends a robot who will be able to deliver food going on the sidewalk, and I'm doing the itinerary (going from a point A to a point B, so going from the company who make food to the customer).

Firstly, I thought about making it with a GPS, but it will need an internet connection by request a route to an API (still looking for it), so with my group we thought about making the test inside the hallway of the school (then it could be more simple).
So for that I'm looking for something that will send a "signal" to the Arduino so that the robot go to the transmitter module (like a magnet). Does someone have any idea about what kind of signal/module I can use ?

If it’s a straight path you don’t really need a signal

If it’s not a straight path then your signal will have to go through walls and the robot won’t go through walls “like a magnet”…

You could be inspired by the line follower robots (have a black or white tape in the corridor to follow) - that’s probably within reach and use a few ultra sound sensor to detect obstacles (like human walking in the corridors) and pause.

Real world system would use cameras and lidars and other sensors to adapt to their environment… does not come cheap and requires quite skilled engineer work.

(PDF) Server based indoor navigation using RSSI and inertial sensor information (

More info is available using the words "using rssi for navigation" in an internet search engine.

Also the words "arduino knn rssi" might prove useful. KNN is a type of machine learning called Nearest Known Neighbour and works with 32 bit versions of MCU's. KNN has proven, for me, quite useful in increasing the positioning accuracy.

First, make sure that is legal in your area.

Internet connection is the easy part, a cellular wifi hotspot or cellphone can easily provide that. GPS is good for the general location, you will also need mapping of the sidewalks and roads, as well as some on-board sensors to keep the vehicle on the sidewalk, avoid pedestrians and obstacles, etc. Crossing a road would be a major challenge.

Much simpler, if you can store an accurate mapping of the hallways in the controller. Also has the advantage that you are in a controlled environment so that testing can be done when the halls will be unoccupied, and at other times people can be warned that an experimental autonomous vehicle is present and should be avoided.

Welcome pevert, it sounds like a real fun and useful project. I would recommend that if you are going to try this in a public place or sidewalk, road, etc you check your local, state, and federal laws. Many locations require you have $2,000,000.00 in insurance. I suggest this before you get to far into the project.

Thank you everyone for all your answers ! Sorry that I didn't give any message until now, I had many things to do :sweat_smile:

Yeah, agree, I firstly thought about that, but I found that It's not very "fun" to code

Oh good Idea, I will talk about this with my friends !

Okay thanks ! I will read with attention the PDF you gave me :smile:

Oof don't worry, It's just a school project, just if we arrive to build it's very, very good. The sidewalk thing is theoretical, we will not make tests with real company, and if we are really able to make it on the sidewalk, it will be surely only for 10 meters :joy:

Yeah agree !

Well thank you all for all the information you gave me, I will surely all use it, if you want I can inform here of the project's progression :wink:

sure - we want pictures of the results !:slight_smile:


Hi there!
Working with pverte on that project...
Anyone knows how to chose a battery? I looked on the internet and it says to chose the highest tension of the inputs...
The big thing is we have a motor that's 220V! Aaand the second highest voltage is 12... Would it burn or smth?

Do you plan to power your 220V motor through a battery?


And I assume it’s 220V AC not DC (what kind of motor is that ?)

You need then a BIG battery and an inverter with sufficient amps to power the motor. And since you get 220V AC then it won’t be much of an issue to use a phone wall adapter to power the arduino

Good Inverters do not come cheap

How will you recharge the battery ? Need a solar system as well :slight_smile:

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Do not take that too literally, the general idea is that for a given power from the motor, the higher voltage means less current, and less current means smaller wiring, smaller speed controller, and less power lost to resistance in the wiring and connections.

Generally you do not want to use a 220V AC motor in something like this, much easier to use a motor intended for operation from batteries. Motors intended for use in something the size of a powered wheelchair would probably be appropriate for this type project, and you may be able to locate a used one.

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Well thx we'll try that!
All ur suppositions are accurate tho

K we'll continue that way then thx

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