I have a project that uses an Arduino and an SSC 32 servo controller to control a hexapod with 18 servos. I found the Arduino code to control the SSC 32 servo controller and I got it working really well with a PS2 controller. But for my end result, I want the Arduino to completely control the hexapod without having to have an extra microcontroller. The Arduino controls the SSC 32 by printing out codes through Serial and then the SSC 32 processes the code and makes the servos move. I would really like to keep the code, but I don't want to keep the SSC 32. I could create a whole program dedicated to taking the Strings printed to the SSC 32, but I would really hate to reinvent the wheel if someone else has already figured out how to.
Just for reference, the Arduino sends out a String to the SSC 32 like such: Serial.println("#0P1500T200"); with #0 representing which servo to control, P1500 representing the position to move the servo to, and T200 representing the time it takes for that individual servo to move to the desired position in milliseconds.
Also if there were an Arduino shield or small breakout board that could control servos the same ways as above then that would be appreciated.