Here is my energyMeter.cpp code:
Did you bother trying to compile that before you posted it?
Yes, I compiled it and I get some error message that I am currently trying to sort out.
Why are you (trying) to define all those global variables in the source file? A class is SUPPOSED to encapsulate data, not provide more opportunities to screw things up.
I am going to create 16 of these objects + 22 other objects in my sketch hence i would like to move every test sketch i have made to its own class instead of copying it in 38 times.
So whats the best way to define constant for an object, and the second thing how can I make constant shared between objects but still define them when i create the object?
By convention, all capital letter names are reserved for constants. Constants never appear on the left of an equal sign (except when first declared and valued).
So these are all constants:
long PULSE_FACTOR // Nummber of blinks per KWH of your meeter
boolean SLEEP_MODE // Watt-value can only be reported when sleep mode is false.
long MAX_WATT // Max watt value to report. This filetrs outliers.
int DIGITAL_INPUT_SENSOR // Usually the interrupt = pin -2 (on uno/nano anyway)
int CHILD_ID // Id of the sensor child
unsigned long SEND_FREQUENCY
So when I create the object I want to initialize these CONSTANT that never changes in my update method which are called inside the loop in my main sketch.
Currently I only want to set CHILD_ID when I create the object, the rest of the constant should be optional.
Coming from vb background what I am used to is:
EnergyMeter power(CHILD_ID:=1,MAX_WATT=10000);//initialize an instance of the class
where I just specify which one of the optional parameter I would like to set.
So all these CONSTANT should be only constants for that object, but MAX_WATT and PULSE_FACTOR could be shared across objects, if they are not given as input the constructor for the objects.
I am trying to read up on how c++ threats constants, and what volatile do and what should be defined in the header file and what should be defined inside/outside the constructor. But I am a bit lost and the official class tutorial for arduino does not threat constants at all:
and these are variables(that changes in my update method) for the class object:(small letters..)
double ppwh
boolean pcReceived = false;
volatile unsigned long pulseCount = 0;
volatile unsigned long lastBlink = 0;
volatile unsigned long watt = 0;
unsigned long oldPulseCount = 0;
unsigned long oldWatt = 0;
double oldKwh;
unsigned long lastSend;
In normal arduino code you pub both variables and constant at the top of your sketch, however it seems to be different in cpp files.