Malfunction of Wifi Shield with the Microchip module MRF24WB0MA (broken?)

Hello to all

I recently purchased a WiFi Shield for Arduino that I've tried both with Arduino UNO R2 and R3

First, the malfunction found: the LED on the Shield lights up the shield for 8 seconds (approximately),
stays off for 5 seconds (approximately), and lights up again for 8 secs, and so on ... clearly the connection there isn't in any way

I did some testing with various IDE (with the latest on website, and with 0023)

I tried both with the libraries "asynclabs-WiShield-v1.3.0-0" and with the "WiShield_user_contrib-master" .. but nothing to do!

clearly I customized the sketch with the parameters of my network ... (I tried to use it as a WebServer, setting the appropriate file "apps-conf.h")

I'm thinking that may be damaged by the welding of the strip on the card (excessive heat? .. welds seem ok)

If someone is using it, with what combination of ArduinoUNO +IDE+libraries the WifiShield is working??


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