Man has created god.

Man has created an all knowing entity in the internet and surely it will only be a matter of time before man posesses the ability to process that information to predict the future with a degree of certainty. And to change it.

Mind blown. I'm out. Good night.

Man has created god.

That's not news to us atheists :slight_smile:


I did not mean it in that instance, I meant where as before god was fake, now he is real.

I did not mean it in that instance, I meant where as before got was fake, now he is real.

That's what they all say :slight_smile:



That's what they all say :slight_smile:

And none have any evidence.

And none have any evidence.


  1. Do you even see the wind, bro?

  2. Absents of evidence is not evidence of innocence!

"the Good Book is the word of God", though they fail to realize it was still written by man.


There is evidence to suggest it was written by a committee.


And i sometimes think the burning bush may have been a marijuana plant.


  1. Do you even see the wind, bro?

There is a surprising amount of non-visual evidence for the existence of wind

Hot air is a different matter entirely :wink:



  1. Do you even see the wind, bro?

The wind can be measured using an anemometer. What instrument can be used to measure a god?

  1. Absents of evidence is not evidence of innocence!

Innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof lies with those making the positive claim, the prosecution.
I, as a juror, must return a not guilty verdict unless and until convincing evidence has been presented.
What convincing evidence is there?

The wind can be measured using an anemometer. What instrument can be used to measure a god?

Why, the offering plate of course. The fuller it is, the realer God is.

Or the more guilty feeling the one making the offer is.

Did "God" make our planet? solar system? galaxy? the other galaxies? the entire universe? the universe(s) next to ours?
Where did "God" come from? Inquiring minds want to know...

From inquiring minds, obviously.

for me, faith is the mental state i have after programing an Arduino,

Careful now.

We don't want to encourage a Thread proclaiming "Man has created Arduino"


If God created the Earth then He came from somewhere else....

So God == Alien

Therefore God is the proof of the existance of extraterrestrial life surely?

Strange then that aliens were not mentioned in the Bible.....

Can this be done in C++??? :slight_smile:

Or the more guilty feeling the one making the offer is.

Did "God" make our planet? solar system? galaxy? the other galaxies? the entire universe? the universe(s) next to ours?
Where did "God" come from? Inquiring minds want to know...

Strange then that aliens were not mentioned in the Bible.....

Can this be done in C++??? :slight_smile:

They were probably declared in the wrong scope.


I thought scientology had the alien angle all figured out?

Depends on all branches using the same class definition.

Can I see the wind? Only if I use the definition of see that means to understand, and then yup there it is.

Can I smell gravity? By what definition, it sucks but it doesn't stink.

Internet god? LMAO! That god is what percent porn? What percent idiocy? "It's true! I read it on the internet!"

Does Instructables have a DIY god project?
1 make a circular premise
2 claim it's true
3 goto 2

Or at least that's the basic method.

God is all knowing, he's gotta know double ended tripple fisters, guzzle masks, and money shots.

Stupidity is a matter of perspective, he has to know that too.