I scavenged a power supply from an old printer. It has outputs GND, +5v, -5v and +24v.
I managed to short across one of the +/-5v and the 24v leads. There was a little spark and now the +/-5v leads only output about +/-1-2v.
It's a switching power supply and looking at the board I don't see anything that's obviously burned but one of the regulators seems to be getting abnormally hot.
Does anyone have any suggestions for repair? If I can repair it then I can just use the printer board as-is for driving the steppers that I also salvaged.
If the regulators are 7805 and 7905 you may be able to replace them.
But you probably have something shorting the outputs, pulling the voltage down because the current must be higher than expected, check for electrolytic capacitors and see if removing them helps (and replace them of course)
So it turns out that I need a little more help ...
When I removed the cap that I thought was bad I still get continuity across it's connections on the board (I also discovered that the capactor settings on my multimeter don't work so that was fun.)
After staring at the board for a good long time I also took out the regulator - no change
Then I found a tiny zener diode and when I took that out the erroneous continuity went away.
I don't know much about such diodes but I was able to get continuity in both directions but maybe my multimeter was giving it enough voltage to let current flow backwards.
I put the multimeter on the diode checker setting and it gives me about 0.8 in both directions. According to the internets that means it's bad but how can I know what value zener to replace it with? It's far too tiny to have any markings on it that I can read.
The regulator is 29M05 which comes up as a THREE-TERMINAL LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATOR. I can't pretend to know what that means exactly but the datasheet says it'll give me 5 volts and I believe it. I also checked it's pins for shorts and it seems OK.
The diode I'm calling a zener is a tiny glass bead with a red tint. I assumed it was a zener because it looks like the ones I've seen online. That is an assumption on my part.
Those tiny little things are hard to photograph with a phone!
Hard to tell, could be just a diode, if there's no regulator for the -5V, it's probably a 5V zener.
what's the voltage you get get on the input of the 29M05 (left pin when looking at the front)? should be between 6 and 16V, if it's lower than that, something else broke before the regulator.
Frankly any semiconductor involved in the damaged supply rail is a candidate,
replacing them one-by-one till it works (starting with the cheapest) is a possible
Might be easier to get another supply that has current limiting outputs (bomb-proof).