Managing text variable from the Cloud

I have deployed devices to monitor the weight of the hives (mine and the ones of friends), and in certain circumstances I'm sending mails from the device. It works fine. However, each time the email adress of the recipient of the mail I'm sending is changing, i need to reload the sketch on the board (because the recipinet email address is a variable declared in m code).
And therefore : I woudl like to manage this information through variable on the Iot cloud. Meaning :slight_smile:

  • I would like to have a variable on the portal that is a text
  • this variable would be the email adress of the recipient
  • whenever there is a change (the email adress is changed), I will update that field on the cloud
  • this variable will be read by the board and used to send mail.

I thought that a Read/write variable would help, but I'm unable to specify the value I want (the email address).

Do u have idea ?

String is part of the basic types supported for variable synchronisation.


and you link it to a Value widget

what Arduino are you using ? there might be other ways to configure the eMail upon installation.

Hi. Pb solved indeed using another smtp library. Many thanks. Bye.

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