Manipulating Cassette Tapes Without a Tape Player

So, I have an idea for an installation that involves manipulating cassette tapes with the help of sensors and Arduino. I want the tapes to be exposed and I do not have access to reel-to-reel tape players or other alternatives.

Any pointers on how I can read data off a cassette tape loop without a tape player? I have been researching magnetic stripe readers and opamps as a solution, but I haven't found anything solid. Any clue on how it can be done, if it can be done?

You need to make tape moving, might as well buy tape mechanism which will come with the magnetic head

I remember in the days of 1200 and 2400' mag tapes, the computer room ops sometimes had little transparent discs filled with file iron filings, to indicate whether or not the tape had been recorded on.
Maybe you could use one of these and some openCV?

I'm joking.
Get a tape mech.

No other way to do it? Asking because the kind of tape mechanism I will need is either unavailable or too expensive.


Before you go jumping to any conclusions about hardware, you need to decide if your cassette tape is single or dual channel. If stereo, it is dual channel, if monaural it is single channel.

I want the magnetic tape to be exposed. Imagine running it around spindles that audience can trigger with motion etc. Not sure this tape player will allow me to do that. Something more like a reel-to-reel is what I am after, but those are expensive. Hence, my original question.

You will probably have to balance your "wants" with your ability to construct or pay for the device.

A bit like an old echo unit?

I assumed technology might have a solution for me.

Sort of. Yes.

I assumed technology might have a solution for me.

Not if there is no market for the technology. But check the thrift stores and used audio equipment outlets. You may be able to salvage a tape deck mechanism from old home audio equipment.

You are showing how young you are. Have you NEVER taken a tape cassette apart. You can easily(ha!) reuse the physical tape any way you want, even splice several together for a continuous length.

Use motors to turn the spindles of the cassette but have the sound play from a hidden MP3 player module, synchronised with the motors spinning.


I know I can cut it, manipulate it, and put it back together. That's not what I am after. I want the tape to be exposed as part of the installation. Not manipulate it beforehand and put it back together again for a tape player to play. That part I am familiar with. Imagine a tape loop where a part of it is running through the magnetic head so it plays, but the rest of it is exposed and running through spindles etc., which react to audience movement yada yada. That's what I am after.

Oh. That's a neat trick. If I can't find the solution I am looking for, this might be a fallback.

No, I can't. Please make a quick drawing of what you just described.

Inspired by this: ART LOOP | TAPE LOOP SOUND ART INSTALLATION - YouTube Just add sensors and motors to it for interactivity.

Ok. You need a small DC motor and a rubber spring loaded pressure wheel, just like a regular cassette tape reader. Modify the cassette just like in the video. NO Arduino is involved!!!

Obviously, the ART LOOP demo (which is pretty cool) uses a standard hand held cassette player, modified by the artist. You can get those at thrift shops and flea markets for small change.