I have 80 different variables each containing 2 bytes of data that are being supplied by a data BUS in hexadecimal, both signed and unsigned. I want to convert the data received into a standard unit that will be in float numbers [i.e. degrees, celsius]. Then I want to convert those numbers to be sent out on a secondary BUS in hex again. The data is Tx every 10-50ms dependant on channel.
So workflow is:
Input > Input * a = > Standard Unit > ((Standard unit * b) - c) = > Output
Am I best off doing this using 3 data arrays [Input, StandardU & Output] or is there a better way of doing it?
The channels of data all have different equations and later down the line I may change the Output BUS which will require a different output transformation [hence why I want to utilise a standard unit].
Currently I have the BUS side of things sorted but I'm unsure on the best way of handling the core data manipulation.
Many thanks,