I am trying to make an RGB LED to fade in and out in proportion to the resistance of 3 potentiometers using the map() function. There is one potentiometer for every colour in the LED.
const int Gin = A0; //Green sensor in
const int G = 11; //Green LED out
int Gsensor = 0; //Green sensor value
int Gvalue = 0; //Green remapped value
const int Rin = A3; //Red sensor in
const int R = 12; //Red LED out
int Rsensor = 0; //Red sensor value
int Rvalue = 0; //Red remapped value
const int Bin = A2; //Blue sensor in
const int B = 10; //Blue LED out
int Bsensor = 0; //Blue sensor value
int Bvalue = 0; //Blue remapped value
void setup() {
pinMode(G, OUTPUT);
pinMode(R, OUTPUT);
pinMode(B, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
Gsensor = analogRead(Gin);
Gvalue = map(Gsensor, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
analogWrite(G, Gvalue);
Bsensor = analogRead(Bin);
Bvalue = map(Bsensor, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
analogWrite(B, Bvalue);
Rsensor = analogRead(Rin);
Rvalue = map(Rsensor, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
analogWrite(R, Rvalue);
That is my code for it but the blue and green ones are working fine and fading in and out in proportion but the red one always seems to just turn on when it hits a certain resistance level and i cant figure out with it is doing so.