Map Drive to SMB Share?


Total noob question, sorry.

I have an Ardunio Uno and a Grove board. I want to attach either a WiFi card or RJ45 adapter and connect it to my network.

I would then like to map a drive to an SMB share and perform operations on the files. This would primarily be counting the files and display this on the LCD screen I have on the Ardunio, but other operations might be useful.

Before I waste my time and cash, someone please tell me if this is even possible with the Ardunio, and if so is it easy enough for a dumpling like me to achieve? A pointer in the right direction if it is possible would be much appreciated too.

Thanks muchly for your time and help!

I would then like to map a drive to an SMB share and perform operations on the files. This would primarily be counting the files and display this on the LCD screen I have on the Ardunio, but other operations might be useful.

The Arduino is not a full-fledged PC that might handle ultra-complex network file systems. Forget about using an Arduino for such stuff. A Raspberry Pi might do what you try to achieve, the included Linux operating system is able to handle SMB shares (as well as other network file systems).

Thanks for the prompt response.

OK, I guess I'll have to look elsewhere.



I get the feeling that this question will get a similar answer to the previous one, but would is there a way of connecting the Arduino to the network and then sending a message from a PC which the Arduino then displays on the screen? If I could easily do the number crunching on a server somewhere and then just send the details to the Arduino to show to the user. Again, I am just wanting someone to tell me if this would be possible and point me in the right direction.

It would be nice to use the hardware which I have to do this job, rather than having to buy a new Pi or the like.

Thanks for your help again!

is there a way of connecting the Arduino to the network

Yes. The Arduino can be connected to the network using either an Ethernet shield or a WiFi shield.

The Arduino can then be a client (making GET requests to some other server) or a server (responding to GET requests).