Mario costume/use accelerometer to detect running/jumping/ducking

Hello everyone!

So I had a decent idea to upgrade a mario costume for my son. I want to build something to detect when he runs/jumps etc and play a sound.

for example when he ducks i would have an arduino play the "mario going into pipe sound"
when he jumps i would have an arduino play the "mario jumping sound"
when he runs i would have it play the "mario using star power sound"

The problem is I'm not even sure this is possible. I have a few arduino unos and various pieces. I recently bought a circuit playground express and thought i could possibly do it using that since it already has a speaker and accelerometer but I think its just confused me even more. Anyone have an info or anything else that could help me out?

I suspect it may be possible to use an accelerometer to do what you envisage (or maybe you would need two of them at different locations) but I suspect the coding would be complex and require a great deal of trial and error testing so as to be able to arrive at a program that could distinguish specific types of movement from general noise.

I wonder if an Arduino would have enough processing power to do the necessary calculations in real time (not that I know what those calculations might be :slight_smile: )
