Martinez's Gimbal Program is Error (_BruGi)

Sir im having a problem using the program of Martinez for Gimbal (_BruGi) this is an open source code for gimbal brushless motor. When i try to check the program it gives me error. The common problem im facing are:

"In file included from C:\Users\markokoy\Downloads_BruGi_BruGi.ino:56:0:

sketch\orientationRoutines.h: In function 'void gyroOffsetCalibration()':

orientationRoutines.h:100: error: 'initMPU' was not declared in this scope



In file included from C:\Users\markokoy\Downloads_BruGi_BruGi.ino:58:0:

sketch\BLcontroller.h: In function 'void __vector_13()':

BLcontroller.h:225: error: 'TIMER0_isr_emulation' was not declared in this scope



In file included from C:\Users\markokoy\Downloads_BruGi_BruGi.ino:59:0:

sketch\SerialCom.h: At global scope:

SerialCom.h:54: error: 'initIMUtc' was not declared in this scope

{"accTimeConstant", INT16, &config.accTimeConstant, &initIMUtc},


SerialCom.h:56: error: 'updateAngleOffset' was not declared in this scope

{"angleOffsetPitch", INT16, &config.angleOffsetPitch, &updateAngleOffset},


SerialCom.h:57: error: 'updateAngleOffset' was not declared in this scope

{"angleOffsetRoll", INT16, &config.angleOffsetRoll, &updateAngleOffset},


SerialCom.h:111: error: 'initSensorOrientation' was not declared in this scope

{"axisReverseZ", BOOL, &config.axisReverseZ, &initSensorOrientation},


SerialCom.h:112: error: 'initSensorOrientation' was not declared in this scope

{"axisSwapXY", BOOL, &config.axisSwapXY, &initSensorOrientation},


SerialCom.h:124: error: 'initIMUtc' was not declared in this scope

{"accTimeConstant2", INT16, &config.accTimeConstant2, &initIMUtc},


SerialCom.h:126: error: 'initSensorOrientation' was not declared in this scope

{"gyroCal", BOOL, &config.gyroCal, &initSensorOrientation},


SerialCom.h:127: error: 'initSensorOrientation' was not declared in this scope

{"gyrOffsetX", INT16, &config.gyrOffsetX, &initSensorOrientation},


SerialCom.h:128: error: 'initSensorOrientation' was not declared in this scope

{"gyrOffsetY", INT16, &config.gyrOffsetY, &initSensorOrientation},


SerialCom.h:129: error: 'initSensorOrientation' was not declared in this scope

{"gyrOffsetZ", INT16, &config.gyrOffsetZ, &initSensorOrientation},


SerialCom.h:131: error: 'initSensorOrientation' was not declared in this scope

{"accOffsetX", INT16, &config.accOffsetX, &initSensorOrientation},


SerialCom.h:132: error: 'initSensorOrientation' was not declared in this scope

{"accOffsetY", INT16, &config.accOffsetY, &initSensorOrientation},


SerialCom.h:133: error: 'initSensorOrientation' was not declared in this scope

{"accOffsetZ", INT16, &config.accOffsetZ, &initSensorOrientation},


sketch\SerialCom.h: In function 'void updateAllParameters()':

SerialCom.h:259: error: 'initIMU' was not declared in this scope



SerialCom.h:260: error: 'initSensorOrientation' was not declared in this scope



exit status 1
'initMPU' was not declared in this scope

I hope someone can help me. Im just starting to use Arduino. Thank you in advance :slight_smile:
Im attaching the main program but for the whole program including the libraries kindly visit this site:

_BruGi.ino (13.4 KB)


how will i do that? ill upload the zip file. sorry.