HEX code Device id 0x02 0x01 0xAD slave address {02}
HEX code reply begins master 0x11 0xFD 0x00 0xFF B9
if there is a an error in message 0x00 changes example 0x80
analogue input input 8 has changed etc
Is there a question in there?
Sorry I would like to be able to correct the error 0x80 in the string back to 0x00 regards
hello Sir I do apologise it is a Uart TX RX rs485 half duplex i assume it is Modbus 81
You could simply overwrite the 0x80 with 0x00 in the received message.
However, I wonder if you are looking for a form of built-in error correction?
If it is Modbus, the a corruption of the message should be spotted when the computed CRC doesn't match the CRC in the received message.
Modbus doesn't include error correction, only error detection.
Many thanks what I am interested in ideally is sending the correct message back to the receiver I am looking at the message on my logic analyser not even 100% it is Modbus
message always begins with slave ID 0x02 and the reply side always begins with 0x11 there is a fault as when its normal it is 0x11 0xFD 0x00 0xFF 0xB9 however an error appears in the reply string 0x00 becomes 0x80 and the 0xFF changes everything else stays the same regards
Many thanks mark is it possible to reply with the correct string and how do i know when it switches to receive mode i am new to coding so forgive the questions
Are you indicating that you want a device to sit inbetween your existing devices and essentially forward on the good messages and correct the bad messages?
Or in short, what on earth are you talking about?
Something connected to something, sending something. But what?
Yo must explain things if you want meaningful answers.
yes mark can this be done many thanks
jesus paul who has upset you i only asking something that obviously i dont have a clue about that is why i am on the forum give me a chance to explain it better cheers
Sit down and carefully write a detailed explanation of what each of your devices actually is, what the purpose of the communication is, what the format is and why and how you need to interpret it.
To do that should have been your first post, not some random mutterings. You have a chance to explain it, please do so.
I see Mark seems to have guessed, but you can't always be lucky.
ok thanks i will detail it in order from what i know although i think i understand it i
need to word it all properly cheers for help
You are looking at a "man in the middle" scenario.
You need to know about the messages that are being passed between the 2 devices. That way you know what is a good message and what is a bad message. Maybe you are only interested in correcting one particular message?
You also need to have an idea of how long the master device might wait for a reply to one of its messages. Having another piece of hardware in the middle will introduce delays in getting a response back to the master. They won't be huge, but it might be an issue. You will just have to try it and see. Unless of course you have the code for the master device and can alter it.
It might help use to help you if you were to tell us what the master and slave devices were.
As for the hardware, you are probably looking at an Arduino Mega board - something with 2+ hardware serial ports - assume 1 port is used for the connection to the Arduino IDE and for debugging, and the 2 other ports are used for the serial comms via a couple of RS485 line drivers.
#include "galaxybus.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include <driver/timer.h>
#include <driver/gpio.h>
#define MASTER 0x11
struct galaxybus_s {
int8_t timer; // Which timer
int8_t tx; // Tx pin
int8_t rx; // Rx pin (can be same as tx)
int8_t de; // DE pin
int8_t re; // RE pin (optional, can be same as DE)
int8_t clk; // Debug pin (optional)
uint8_t address; // Us
uint8_t txpre; // Pre tx drive(high) (bits)
uint8_t txpost; // Post tx drive(high) (bits)
uint8_t rxpre; // Pre rx gap (bits)
uint8_t rxpost; // Post rx gap (bits) for end of message
uint8_t gap; // Pre/post gap count
uint8_t txlen; // The length of tx buf
volatile uint8_t txpos; // Position in tx buf we are sending(checked by app level)
uint8_t txdata[GALAXYBUSMAX]; // The tx message
uint8_t rxerr; // The current in progress message rx error
uint8_t rxerrorreport; // The rxerror of the last stored message
uint8_t rxpos; // Where we are in rx buf
uint8_t rxlen; // Length of last received mesage in rxbuf
uint8_t rxdue; // The expected message sequence
uint8_t rxsum; // The current checksum
volatile uint8_t rxseq; // The last received message sequence
uint8_t rxdata[GALAXYBUSMAX]; // The Rx data
uint8_t subbit; // Sub bit count
uint8_t bit; // Bit count
uint8_t shift; // Byte
uint8_t:0; // Bits set from int
uint8_t txrx:1; // Mode, true for rx , false for tx //Tx
uint8_t rxignore:1; // This message is not for us so being ignored
uint8_t tick:2; // clk tick
uint8_t rxbrk:1; // rx break condition
uint8_t:0; // Bits set from non int
uint8_t slave:1; // We are slave
uint8_t started:1; // Int handler started
uint8_t txhold:1; // We are in app Tx call and need to hold of sending as copying to buffer
volatile uint8_t txdue:1; // We are due to send a message
#define TIMER_DIVIDER 4 // Hardware timer clock divider
#define TIMER_SCALE (TIMER_BASE_CLK / TIMER_DIVIDER) // convert counter value to seconds
#define GROUP_RX_OK 1 // Rx is not busy
#define GROUP_TX_OK 2 // Tx is not busy
#define GROUP_RX_READY 4 // New Rx message ready
static const char *const galaxybus_err_str[GALAXYBUS_ERR_MAX + 1] = {
#define p(n) [GALAXYBUS_ERR_##n]="GALAXYBUS_ERR_"#n,
#undef p
#undef s
// Low level direct GPIO controls - inlines were not playing with some optimisation modes
#define gpio_in(r) do{if ((r) >= 32)GPIO_REG_WRITE(GPIO_ENABLE1_W1TC_REG, 1 << ((r) - 32));else if ((r) >= 0)GPIO_REG_WRITE(GPIO_ENABLE_W1TC_REG, 1 << (r));}while(0)
#define gpio_out(r) do{if ((r) >= 32)GPIO_REG_WRITE(GPIO_ENABLE1_W1TS_REG, 1 << ((r) - 32)); else if ((r) >= 0)GPIO_REG_WRITE(GPIO_ENABLE_W1TS_REG, 1 << (r));}while(0)
#define gpio_set(r) do{if ((r) >= 32)GPIO_REG_WRITE(GPIO_OUT1_W1TS_REG, 1 << ((r) - 32)); else if ((r) >= 0)GPIO_REG_WRITE(GPIO_OUT_W1TS_REG, 1 << (r));}while(0)
#define gpio_clr(r) do{if ((r) >= 32)GPIO_REG_WRITE(GPIO_OUT1_W1TC_REG, 1 << ((r) - 32));else if ((r) >= 0)GPIO_REG_WRITE(GPIO_OUT_W1TC_REG, 1 << (r));}while(0)
#define gpio_get(r) (((r) >= 32)?((GPIO_REG_READ(GPIO_IN1_REG) >> ((r) - 32)) & 1):((r) >= 0)?((GPIO_REG_READ(GPIO_IN_REG) >> (r)) & 1):0)
#define rs485_mode_rx(g) do{if ((g)->tx == (g)->rx)gpio_in((g)->rx);gpio_clr((g)->de);(g)->rxerr = 0;(g)->gap = (g)->rxpre;(g)->txrx = 1;}while(0)
#define rs485_mode_tx(g) do{gpio_set((g)->de);if ((g)->tx == (g)->rx)gpio_out((g)->rx);(g)->gap = (g)->txpre;(g)->txdue = 0;(g)->txrx = 0;}while(0)
bool IRAM_ATTR timer_isr(void *gp)
galaxybus_t *g = gp;
if (g->clk >= 0)
if (g->tick++ == 2)
g->tick = 0;
if (g->tick == 0 || (g->tick == 1 && g->txrx))
if (g->txrx)
{ // Rx
uint8_t v = gpio_get(g->rx);
if (v && g->rxbrk)
g->rxbrk = 0; // Not a break condition
if (!v && !g->bit)
{ // Idle, and low, so this is start of start bit
g->subbit = 1; // Centre of start bit (+/- 1/6 of a bit)
g->bit = 10;
if (g->subbit--)
return false;
g->subbit = 2; // Three sub bits per bit
if (!g->bit)
{ // Idle
if (g->gap)
{ // End of rx
g->rxignore = 0;
char send = g->txdue;
if (g->rxpos)
{ // Message received
if (g->rxsum != g->rxdata[g->rxpos - 1])
g->rxlen = g->rxpos;
g->rxerrorreport = g->rxerr;
g->rxerr = 0;
if (g->slave)
send = 1; // Send reply as we are slave
gpio_set(g->de); // Take bus anyway as we are master - saves it idling while task thinks about what to do next
g->rxpos = 0; // ready for next message
if (send)
rs485_mode_tx(g); // Can start tx now
return false;
if (g->bit == 9)
{ // Start bit
if (v)
{ // Missing start bit
g->bit = 0; // Back to idle
return false;
if (g->bit)
{ // Shift in
g->shift >>= 1;
if (v)
g->shift |= 0x80;
return false;
// Stop bit
if (!v)
if (!g->shift)
g->rxbrk = 1; // Break condition
g->gap = g->rxpost; // Look for end of message
// Checksum logic
if (!g->rxpos)
g->rxsum = 0xAA;
uint8_t l = g->rxdata[g->rxpos - 1];
if ((int) g->rxsum + l > 0xFF)
g->rxsum++; // 1's comp
g->rxsum += l;
if (!g->rxpos && !g->shift)
g->rxerr = 0;
return false; // Ignore zero leading
if (!g->rxpos && g->shift != g->address && g->address != 0xFF && g->shift != 0xFF)
g->rxignore = 1; // Not addressed to us, ignore
if (g->rxignore)
return false; // Not for us
// End of byte
if (g->rxpos >= GALAXYBUSMAX)
g->rxdata[g->rxpos++] = g->shift;
return false;
// Tx
if (g->subbit--)
return false;
g->subbit = 2; // Three sub bits per bit
uint8_t t = 1;
if (g->gap)
t = 1;
if (!g->gap)
{ // End of gap
if (g->txpos)
{ // End of message
g->txpos = 0;
rs485_mode_rx(g); // Switch back to rx
return false;
// Start of message
if (g->txhold)
g->gap++; // Wait, app is writing new message
{ // Start sending
g->bit = 9;
g->shift = g->txdata[g->txpos++];
} else if (g->bit)
if (g->bit == 9)
t = 0; // Start bit
{ // Data bit
t = (g->shift & 1);
g->shift >>= 1;
} else
{ // Stop bit and prep next byte
if (g->txpos < g->txlen)
g->shift = g->txdata[g->txpos++];
g->bit = 9;
} else
g->gap = g->txpost; // End of message
if (t)
return false;
// Set up
galaxybus_t *galaxybus_init(int8_t timer, int8_t tx, int8_t rx, int8_t de, int8_t re, int8_t clk, uint8_t slave)
if (timer < 0 || tx < 0 || rx < 0 || de < 0 || re < 0 || tx == de || rx == de || tx == re || rx == re)
return NULL;
|| (re >= 0 && !GPIO_IS_VALID_OUTPUT_GPIO(re)) //
|| (clk >= 0 && !GPIO_IS_VALID_OUTPUT_GPIO(clk)) //
return NULL;
galaxybus_t *g = malloc(sizeof(*g));
if (!g)
return g;
memset(g, 0, sizeof(*g));
g->txpre = 10; // defaults
g->txpost = 10;
g->rxpre = 50;
g->rxpost = 10;
g->de = de;
g->re = re;
g->tx = tx;
g->rx = rx;
g->clk = clk;
g->timer = timer;
g->slave = (slave ? 1 : 0);
g->address = (slave ? : MASTER);
return g;
void galaxybus_set_timing(galaxybus_t * g, uint8_t txpre, uint8_t txpost, uint8_t rxpre, uint8_t rxpost)
if (txpre)
g->txpre = txpre;
if (txpost)
g->txpost = txpost;
if (rxpre)
g->rxpre = rxpre;
if (rxpost)
g->rxpost = rxpost;
void galaxybus_start(galaxybus_t * g)
g->started = 1;
// Tx
gpio_set_direction(g->tx, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
// DE
gpio_set_direction(g->de, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
if (g->de != g->re && g->re >= 0)
{ // If RE is separate, set RE permanently
gpio_set_direction(g->re, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
if (g->clk >= 0)
{ // Option clock output
gpio_set_direction(g->clk, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
if (g->tx != g->rx)
{ // If Tx and Rx separate, then set Rx input
gpio_set_direction(g->rx, GPIO_MODE_INPUT);
// Set up timer
timer_config_t config;
config.divider = TIMER_DIVIDER;
config.counter_dir = TIMER_COUNT_UP;
config.counter_en = TIMER_PAUSE;
config.alarm_en = TIMER_ALARM_EN;
config.intr_type = TIMER_INTR_LEVEL;
config.auto_reload = 1;
timer_init(0, g->timer, &config);
timer_set_counter_value(0, g->timer, 0x00000000ULL);
timer_set_alarm_value(0, g->timer, TIMER_SCALE / 9600 / 3);
timer_isr_callback_add(0, g->timer, timer_isr, g, ESP_INTR_FLAG_LEVEL1 | ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM);
timer_enable_intr(0, g->timer);
timer_start(0, g->timer);
void *galaxybus_end(galaxybus_t * g)
if (g)
if (g->started)
timer_disable_intr(0, g->timer);
return NULL;
// Low level messaging
int galaxybus_tx(galaxybus_t * g, int len, uint8_t * data)
if (len >= GALAXYBUSMAX)
if (g->rxbrk)
return -GALAXYBUS_ERR_BREAK; // Can't Tx if BREAK stuck
g->txhold = 1; // Stop sending starting whilst we are loading
int try = 0;
while (g->txpos || g->txdue)
if (try++ > 1000) break; // Should not take this long
if (g->txpos)
g->txhold = 0;
if (g->txdue)
g->txhold = 0;
uint8_t c = 0xAA;
int p;
for (p = 0; p < len; p++)
g->txdata[p] = data[p];
if ((int) c + data[p] > 0xFF)
c++; // 1 's comp
c += data[p];
g->txdata[p++] = c; // Checksum
g->txlen = p;
if (!g->slave)
g->txdue = 1; // Send now (if slave we send when polled)
g->txhold = 0; // Allow sending
return len;
int galaxybus_ready(galaxybus_t * g)
if (g->rxdue == g->rxseq)
return 0; // Nothing ready
return 1;
int galaxybus_rx(galaxybus_t * g, int max, uint8_t * data)
if (g->rxdue == g->rxseq)
if (g->rxbrk)
return -GALAXYBUS_ERR_BREAK; // Nothing ready, but we are in a break condition, so something wrong
return 0; // Nothing ready
if (g->rxdue != g->rxseq)
return -GALAXYBUS_ERR_MISSED; // Missed one
if (!g->rxlen)
return 0; // Uh?
if (g->rxerrorreport)
return -g->rxerrorreport; // Bad rx
if (g->rxlen > max)
return -GALAXYBUS_ERR_TOOBIG; // No space
int p;
for (p = 0; p < g->rxlen - 1; p++)
data[p] = g->rxdata[p];
if (g->rxpos || g->rxdue != g->rxseq)
return -GALAXYBUS_ERR_MISSED; // Missed one whilst reading data !
return p;
const char *galaxybus_err_to_name(int e)
if (e < 0)
e = 0 - e;
return galaxybus_err_str[e];
hello mark somebody write this code when I try to compile it states include galaxybus.h no such file or directory
You need to find the library that includes galaxybus.h - maybe going back to the "somebody" and asking them where the library is would help.
I did a quick search and got hassled by Google insisting that I really wanted to search for Galaxy Ear Buds!
I did find one reference to "Honeywell Galaxy RS485" which might be what you are using, but as you've still not told us what the devices are, it's just a guess.
sorry mark rs485 8n1 half duplex galaxy bus i think that code is for the whole bus i think i only need something like you suggested earlier in the string reply the 0x00 which changes when there is a fault and the 0xFF changes or maybe somehow filter out and put the reply with no errors is this possible ? once again thank you regards dave
That code looks completely over the top with its FreeRTOS etc for what you want to do.
An Arduino MEGA (not the UNO) with 4 hardware serial ports should easily handle this.
Below is a really simple bit of code from the AltSoftSerial web page that receives data on serial port 1 and transmits it on serial port 2. It also receives data on serial port 2 and transmits it on serial port 1.
#include <AltSoftSerial.h>
AltSoftSerial altSerial;
void setup() {
Serial.println("AltSoftSerial Test Begin");
altSerial.println("Hello World");
void loop() {
char c;
if (Serial.available()) {
c = Serial.read();
if (altSerial.available()) {
c = altSerial.read();
It uses a software UART as the second serial port, but with a MEGA, you can use 2 hardware serial ports. You would need to add a few lines of code to switch your RS485 line drivers from Rx to Tx when sending data and you would have a simple RS485 pass though system that transfers data from RS485 bus A to RS485 bus B and back again.
You would then just watch out for your troublesome message and once received, simply insert the correct byte(s) and send it out again.
hello mark I will purchase the mega as I only have Nano it would me let me reply until now tried to compile your code exit status 1'AltSoftSerial' does not name a type on compile ? thanks